The New Greenie (Thomas)

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It was that time of the month again. A new addition to the glade was coming up in the box. As annoying as the sirens are its also a beautiful moment in the glade. It means another life has joined the glade. Every little bit of strength helps though.

Newt was running to the box wanting to be the collector of the boy this time. The sirens eventfully stopped blaring which felt like it was rattling my rib cage when enough people  had gathered around.

The clank of the top of the box opening pulled me out of my thoughts. Newt jumped down into the box shaking as he went. He looked down then back up in disbelief.
"Its a girl!" He says probably the most surprised out of all of us. Besides maybe Alby since he was the first Glader and it looked like he had no idea what was happening. The girl suddenly shot awake saying one word.

A name. my name 'Thomas'. All eyes are now on me.  I felt like screaming. I don't know this girl. And how the shuck does she know my name?.
"You know this shank Tommy? "Newt asks me a look of confusion on his face. 
"No never seen her before in my life!" I say as the Medjacks pick her up out of the pit and take her to get looked at.

"Thomas!" I turn around at the call of my name only to see Minho running towards me.                    Oh god what have I done now?                                                                                                                                         "Thomas there you are!" Minho say walking to stand opposite me. I wonder why Minho was looking for me? Normally people go to Newt or Alby if they have a problem with something. No-one EVER comes to me for help.                                                                                                                                       "I need some help in the map room." Oh great I thought I  was in trouble for a moment then.  "Are you coming then? Or are you just going to stand there like you've seen a Griever?"                        "oh yeah sorry let's go." I say walking ahead of Minho  to get to the map room quicker.


Suddenly the door of the map room slammed open and two what seemed to be quite younger boys  stood where the door should have been. Minho heard the sound slightly later than I did but the same result still occurred as if he looked up at the same time as me.                                             "What the hell are you two shanks doing here this is meant to be off limits!" Minho said covering the wooden replica of the only thing that was keeping us in the glade, the maze.                 

"It's the girl she's awake!" the boys say looking at me for some odd reason. One quick glance between me and Minho and we were out the door scanning the glade for the awoken girl. As I am scanning the glade, I see Chuck staring up at the treehouse that Alby took me up when he gave me the tour. I quickly run over to him hoping that he will have some idea of the whereabouts of the girl who is still unnamed.                                                                                                           "Girls are awesome!" Chuck says is awe as he feels my presence next to him. I quickly go to over to see Newt and hopefully sort something out with the girl which I've still got to know the name of. 

"Hey it's Thomas it's Thomas!" I say in an attempt to stop her from throwing a fruit on mine or someone else's head. The fruits suddenly stop being thrown from the top of the 'treehouse'.           "ok I'm coming up!" I say waring her as to hopefully not have something worse than a fruit greet me at the top of the 'treehouse'.  "Just me." I say as Gally looks at me like I've gone mad. I walk away from the crowd. All eyes on me for the second time that day. The slope creaks as I start my ascend  up the slope to get to where the girl most likely will be. 

I make it to the top and is greeted by the sight the knife that the track-hoes use for cutting the roots of a tree.                                                                                                                                                                          "Woah!" I say in alarm as the knife is pointed at me. The girl looks alarmed not dangerous just merely wants to defend herself. I for one know what that is like since when I first came up in the box I wanted to escape as soon as I could.                                                                                                                    "Who are you? Where am I?" She said. It all rushed out in a blur and she was obviously scared to the core.

"Don't worry you'll get your name back in a couple of days. It's the only thing they let us keep. It's happened to all o-" I start trying to reassure her before she interrupts me.                                     

"Y/N" She said carefully still not sure if she could trust me. When I looked at her in confusion she continued. "My name. It's Y/N " It sounded so familiar.                           

"Y/N" I said to myself  "why does that name sound s-" My brain stopped me as it flung me into an memorial state. I remembered why Y/N sounded so familiar. There were memories flung at me I didn't even want to know about. I remembered my family. W.I.C.K.E.D took me away from them the only thing they let me keep was my    sister. 

A/N: So this chapter took me way longer than it should have. Also do you guys want a part 2. Merry Christmas to all that celebrate it. I'm thinking about doing a Y/N x either Dylan O'Brien or tbs if that is something you would read or you have and idea of what person could you please leave a comment I am really puzzled on what person to do .                                                                              Words:946 

~ Lacey 

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