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Finnick, Saylor, and Katniss were eating raw fish that Finnick had caught. While Peeta was trying to open an oyster that had washed up. Once he got it open he handed Katniss the pearl. "For you." Katniss smiles and holds the pearl in the palm of her hand. "Thank you." She tells him. Saylor looks over to Finnick with her eyebrow raised that says Are you seeing this? Finnick gives her the same look back.
Suddenly they hear a woman's scream. "That's new," Peeta says and they all stand up. In the distance, they see rumbling in the trees and water rushing towards them. Uh... Should we run? Saylor thinks But as the water reached the cornucopia the water flowed up and then crashed over the cornucopia. "That was weird," Saylor says breaking the silence as they all watch.

"Someone's here," Katniss warns and draws her bow.
Saylor grips her knife and pushes the leaves out of the way to see who is on the beach with them. " Johanna." Saylor and Finnick say at the same time. They both run towards the other group. "Johanna!" Saylor yells as she runs towards her. "Saylor! Finnick!" Johanna yells back. Saylor tackles her with a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok," Saylor says with relief while embracing Johanna. "What the heck happened to you?!" Saylor says as she gives a good look at Johanna. "Well... I got 'em out. We were all the way deep into the jungle where I thought it was gonna be safe. That's when the rain started. I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood." Johanna explained.
"Tick tock," Wiress says
"Hot, thick blood. It was coming down." Johanna continues.
"Tick tok."
"It was choking us. We were stumbling around,
gagging on it, blind."
"Tick tok." is wiress ok?
"That's when Blight hit the force field."
"Johanna... I'm so sorry." Saylor says
"Tick tok. Tick tok."
"He wasn't much, but he was from home."
"Tick tok. Tick took. Tick tok."
"What's wrong with her?" Katniss asks concerned for Wiress " She's in shock...Dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?" Beetee explains and Saylor helps him stand up. "We can get some," Katniss says.
"Tick tok, " Wiress says while shaking Johanna.
"Listen. Stop it!" Johanna yells then pushes Wiress to the ground. "Hey! Lay off her!" Katniss says pushing Johanna. "Hey!" Johanna says and fights back. Saylor and Finnick grab Johanna and pull her away. "I got them out for you!" She yells and Saylor lets go of Johanna. "Let me go, Finnick," Johanna says and he does.

Saylor, Finnick, and Peeta were sitting on the beach while Katniss was helping Wiress get cleaned. "What if we all decide not to kill each other and just live in the arena? I mean it is a beautiful arena." Saylor jokes. Peeta just stares at her like she's crazy and Finnick laughs. "I'm joking Peeta," Saylor tells him seeing the look on his face. Suddenly a loud boom is heard and the tree is stuck with lightning.

"This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock with a new threat every hour, but they stay only within their wedge. It all starts with the lightning.
Then the blood rain, fog, monkeys. That's the first four hours. At 10:00, that big wave hits from over there. " Katniss explains while they make their way to the middle. "Wiress, you're a genius," Finnick says as he passes her and Saylor pats her on the back and smiles at her.

The group was trying to figure out what would come next when they heard a gasp. "Wiress!" Saylor gasped and threw her knife. At the same time, Katniss launched an arrow hitting Gloss at the same time as Saylor's knife. Johanna then pushes Saylor back and throws her axe at Cashmere hitting her right in the chest. "Nice throw." Saylor compliments Johanna and then runs after Brutus with Katniss. As they were running the platform started spinning making them all fall. Saylor was closest to the water and started slipping. Katniss grabbed Saylor's hand trying to help her hold on. The platform started spinning even faster and Katniss's hand slipped making them fall even further. Johanna lets go and grabs Katniss's hand. Then swings her axe into the ground. "Katniss! You have to let me go!!" Saylor yells."Johanna can't hold us both!"
Before Katniss can respond Saylor lets go of Katniss and falls into the water. "Saylor!" Johanna and Katniss scream

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