Top hat man

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    name: Top hat man
    Nickname: dancing man,tapping man,top stop,
Multiverse: he goes anywhere
Top hat man is a dancing man who appears looking like an urban legend and goes anywhere in the multiverse to take down aus or trick
Origin: He use to be a normal monster friend of Karma and until some type of stuff happened with chemicals and all he step into a chemical and figured out that he is different from before otger transvoid entitys he thought he would be stuck permant and now he is..

Appearance: He is 8'9 and is a weird dancing man who wears like a mysterious guy with a cloak on and a top black hat he does have hands and is a black dark entity the thing that is unchaged it his eyes which are white...just white

Personality: He is somehow a creepy person whi appears and makes people do his games where he tap dances and trys to make them catch him. He will bee mostly having a choatic yet creepy laughter and will glady take monsters on while he dances and moves
Tap dancing: he is good at tap dancing and all but mostly tal dancing
Awful presence: he is going to make a weird feeling around when someone is close only when monsters who are trained good can handle
Games: he will trick you into playing his games like hide & seek etc
Tap speed: when he sances he can speed around sometimes and go for a jolly time

Karma: they are good childhood friends
Fgod!Infected: he met him and almost destroyed infected but he was defeated now he felt anger
Fgod!Km:(kingmultiverse) he tried to rule over him and they are rivals
The 3 entitys: He heard of them before and now will get the chance to trick them

His birthday is in Sept 4
He is one of the most difficult ones to handle but with other monsters who are trained it shouldnt be that hard
He will change voices over time and do riddles
He is not the best dancer but wants revenge
He doesnt care about feeling remorse
Hello in back and today was my half bday so yay and also my phone had ads but thats fine
Have a good day

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