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  This is in War!Alphatale
Nickname: Old silent man, 404, Ryber (real name)
Bday: December 12
"I may have failed but that doesnt stop me from finding my brothers"-Ruler!404
Ruler!404 is known as the 'Silent string' and has a mission
Height: 7'12
Origin: So back then before War!Alphatale started he stumbled alone in an au and was injured from almost everything and saw a figure a black one who went away and 404 scream 'hey' for that dude to come back but never came when he grew up he almoat forgot about what happened and knew he had a cloth...
Appearance: he might look like the other 404's but he has gray slippers with black strings on his face instead and always had a c-c-cloth....
Personality: He is a silent skeleton and when training he gets strict and all but he is kind inside but people are scared of him which makes him lonely in a tree
Gaster: he can summin gasters
Bones: he can summon that too
Strings anytype: he hcan use his strings and sine have thorns
Flight: he can fly
Teleport: he can tp
Telepath: he can telepath
Invis: he mostly is appear but is invis
Controling: he can control souls like monsters
Theres more too it

Wise!Error: acts like a father to him even tho they disagree to eachother
C!Ink: he does act kindly to him and sometimes train him and goes strict
His brothers:.....unknown to what happened
Parents:..he forgit about them
Cloak!Frisk: they are weirdos at somepoint but Frisk is his therapist

He used to be scared od water
He is known as the silent ruler
He is quiet with a glare
He like chocolate cookies anytype
Cloth is unknown

Fun fact abt W!Alphatale

This multiverse is dived by borders that is why 404 had trouble finding
And also even tho it has aus C!Ink and W!Error barely see each other cause of the borders which divided

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