I thought I put my character I made and delted in AO and put him as a Conduit. Dont worry the stats are different! You can look them up on maybe one of the infos I comment on in Adamabyss12 oc in his alternatr oc book!
Name: Conduit of Mage
Mage: Mage is someone who is more stat points on there magic
Nicknames: Wilbur, The opposite of Forbidden Conduit of Mage
Birthplace: Somehwere in Ravenna , Rubica(?)
Sex: Male
Birthday: Febuary 12
Height: 8'12" Celine Robins! You may have almost taken over Ravenna, but..you hadnt taken over me to kill.. as for the War seas might go on..!- Conduit of Mage, Wilbur
Magic: All magicAbout: Conduit of Mage, Wilbur is a Conduit who is a skillful yet one of the talent Mafes to ever live and is part of AO (mind you that I nade Define!Melker Creek wgich who was Melker Creek version of her as for Wilbur this is his version as a Mage..for him he has Plasma) as he is the opposite from Forbidden Conduut of Mage.
Origin: Ravenna was always rule by a king and even tho Tiberia was the poorest the people always blame how the two villages didnt be so trouble. In Rubica(?) a boy name Wilbur heard somewhere about the news hearing that sorm guards will take there parents but that never happened to him..well actually it did. Because one gurl name Iris (2nd boss and Iris is ligit easy to beat just gotta put yo stats where the tut says) who dad got arrested and never came back as Wilbur thought.
Then one peaceful day the king decided to take Wilburs mother and father to arrest them leaving Wilbur so stranded until he decided to go somewhere and do his journey. In War seas everything like Pirate ships or Assassins or Navy where at war on seas as he searched nowhere to find peace. He use his magic to help him guide the way.
Until when he was lv 51 he acendently drowned while being hit by a cannon in oen the Pirate ships. He was just a Mage he knew barely anything tho when he maybe came back alive knowing what happened. Into some random place luke a mythical place he never been before. Until when someone name O'Brien came and help him not knowing if ge is a Conduit but maybe Wilbur died and went back but a different place. Wilbur became friends with O'Brien not knowing that Life died from him he didnt know anyone so he stick with O'Brien until he notice about other Conduuts being aware of what he is being stick with he wanted to maybe talk to O'Brien what happened. Famine suddenly bump at him and realize he isnt a Conduit but got into a cycle while Wilbur was fine but confuse about Conduit and even Famine which Famine is fine but looking at this man he is a Mage and Famine thought that ge might be chosen from where he is from.
Appearance: Wilbur wears a black decebt Merchant outfit with his pants are black decent just normal pants as ge wears protective boots. He sometimes where a bow tie as he has his hair down stopping at his mid waist with long bangs (his hair is black) that are kinda short and with a mustache and a long pointy beard (not really long beard just short) and to end it he wears a jet black scarf which stops at his bottom.
Update on clothing: He wears a white kimono wizard pant-skirt and a white long length sleeve with red designs on it.
Personality: He was once nothing to be intrested on as for bow as a Conduit he is mostly a loner being alone. As he is a Mage he learned avout Conduits and other like Forbidden Conduits. He has no love intrest.
Conduit of Mage: Since his magic was Plasma he is bow able to control every magic since he no longer needs to have his stats points he can remeber evrything about magic.
O'Brien: Since he still doesnt know what happened he stop sticking with him for a while and now forget what he did when he was here.Conduit of Famine: Famine told him about Conduits and Forbidden Conduits and now Famine kinda acts like a mentor but not really.
As he has no intret to train Wilbur since Wilbur been train on his own.Forbidden Conduit Mage: They are opposite and when Celine and Wilbur fought they felt like the brought the War seas over where they are living now and now they are dangerous rivals to each other as Wilbur does magic and Celine does the forgotten or lost magic.
Conduit Acid Conjurer, Shura: Him being a acid Conjurer as Shura doesnt be aware and Wilbur is aware they dont see eachother but maybe in another.
Conduit Lightning Savant, Melker Creek: As Melker once met him Wilbur became a Mage teacher for her to be better on her magic and now Melker acts like a student while Wilbur just treats her as his servant.
Forbidden Conduit Flare, Iris: They are both from Revanna they are maybe alike that Iris lost her dad and is pissed still but Wilbur lost his parents not caring but they sorta stick around and talk in their language.
Conduit Death Curse, Morden: Seeing what Melker and Mordeb lost wheb together that Tucker died he feels no threat to him as they both dont stick around but have meetings.
He can control every magic
His clothing may not suit him but always comfy
He is a human Mage
He doesnt know anything much

Ocs of alphatale
FanficThe 1st ine belongs to adam This is an alternate version btw and there my ocs so plz dont get confused