Ahemmm I drew doodles haha ———————— Name: F•R81dd3n Conduit of Guards
Nicknames: Astu, The guardian of F•R81dd3n Conduits
Height: 7'14 (ik its not possible) Birthday: November 25 "I may have beated you but I will take my quest to be the conquer..!- F•R81dd3n Conduit of Guards Sex: male About him: He is the strongest guards in Court but is a missonary to kill The conduit of Conquest for his quest to kill every single conquer and other chosen ones making him the only conquer there is with his boss and others. Mission: To kill or defeat The conduit of Conquest
Origin: When he was young he was chosen to be apart from other conduits and being a forbidden conduit not knowing which is which that he would try to make friends. But they would ignore him, one day he was exiled out of the kingdom and any other places as he live alone and hopeless He tried finding other conduits like him but they were just not his type (meaning that they were good conduits bot forbidden) as he journeyed through his way finding a specific person like him as a forbidden conduit
He once, met a young traveler who was dearly nice and didnt care if he was a forbidden conduit and help him all the way to the Court were he was judge but later on he decided to join a group of forbidden conduits having to kill other conduits and he made a deal. He didnt care about the young traveler all he wanted was revenge. He fought a fellow warriror from the Court one time and that when he was disguesing himself as a guardian and conduit of it making him kill the only person in charge.
Appearance: Human form: He wears a long black cape with a samaria(?) hat with a black hakama pants ( Hakama pants are the type of pants like Ink!Sans wear in his new outfit) With a grey brown robe His hairstyle is a long black hair stopping at his waist and into a ponytail at the end. His body is a define male body (he is a male) and sorta muscular His conduit form:
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He wears a mask and has deer antlers and wears armor mostly with wearing fancy fighting shoes and his left he has multiple daggers that he stores and has a hat with a vail (Mk so Qir and Deria wears those hats but different vail length) He wears long gloves, black gloves stopping at his mid arm ( how do you say it?)
Personality: He is a tragic jokster and would stalk his victims when he is stalking he collects information and sees what capabilities they do He use to be joined in Court only to led that to a fight with Qir leading him to betray her and the Court seeking to find his victim He is serious and doesnt speak unless so
Abilites: Daggers: He is really good at daggers not inky that but can do tricks on them.
Knowledge: He has the ability to learn some info but not background or any just seeing there capablities or info on objects
Hand gesture: He can use his hands to do gesture or stuff soing what is possible for him to fight
Lying words: He is good at making conduits believe in or any that can be trick anyone who knows well can get pass this
Speed: He is really fast and good at running
Stirke slash: summoning a random strike can lead the opponet another wound and he does this mostly and other times to save his energy or heal himself Healing: he can beal himself
The conduit of Desire: He despise her and defeated her in their last battle before he ran away
The conduit of Conquest: He has a wuest to kill the Conduit of Conquest and is aware of that and will try to figure out info about this conduit (is this conduit genderfluid?? I forgot what genderfluid is)
The Court: He betrayed the Court leading them into trouble and for him he doesnt care as long the quest or plan is ready
Forbidden conduits: Depends on his mood
The Conduit of Adventure: He was once annoyed when she teases him only leading him into betraying and leaving her flabbergasted about what happened
Conduits: Depends on his mood but hates all of them Trivia: He is looking like some handsome guy He joined the missionary only to find the Conquer If he went outside the multiverse he would be part of the whole problem and fight
He is an introvert and extrovert depending on his mood he is in He is quiet and respectful kinda (I did try to make a grnshin inpact clothing again..Im now into genshin impact fandom) He keeps a journal for some sort of reason for the plan If he and Qir fought again maybe this time he would fail