Chapter 7: Twisted Ankle

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I sat with a coffee clutched in my hands. I had been so focused on trying to find a way back I hadn't really noticed how long it had been. But last night I carved another thin line into the tree, I had been here 4 weeks. And it hit hard.

Sonya and Harriet must think I'm dead. I had actually let the tears fall. I missed my girls. I missed Sonya so much. I had been so focussed on leaving and trying to find a way back I hadn't cut myself in a long time. But last night got to be too much. I wrapped up the fresh cuts in gauze and then wrapped the leather bracelets and pulled my black gloves over, helping cover my wrist.

I hadn't slept much. I sat sullen and moody at the table. When the other sat down I growled. These guys didn't leave me alone. It was annoying. I never participated in their conversations.

"Good morning Jessie." Newt said brightly.

I just slammed my coffee cup down and got up and walked away.

"Someone is cranky today." Someone muttered.

"She must be in her period."

"Yeah, don't make me end your day in a pool of blood. I already cleaned up one pool this morning."

I heard a bunch of ooos, and sniggers. I kept walking. I didn't want to be here. Not just in the dinning area, but in the stupid Glade. I hated being the only girl. Most of the guys had learned to leave me alone. Funny, they didn't like knives held to their faces or throats.

I sat down on the grass outside the doors, waiting for them to open. I sat with my back to the Glade, back straight, eyes staring at the wall doors, willing them to open and reveal my maze. But nothing happened, except for the footsteps I heard behind. I internally groaned.

"What do you want Minho?" I asked without looking.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"The cadence and rhythm of your footsteps."

He sat down and held out a packed lunch. I looked at him with narrow eyes.

"Shuck Savage, I didn't shucken poison it!"

I snatched it and took my backpack off and put it inside. I zipped up the bag and pulled a knife out and started spinning it.

"Hey!" He frowned looking at the knife in my hands. "Where did you get that from?!"

"Better question. It took you this long to notice?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"How the shuck did you find out about the weapons room?"

I gave him a cheeky smile and winked, "oh Minnie, you underestimate me. I know everything about your Glade and how it works, there are no secrets."

"How?" He narrowed his eyes, and clenched his jaw.

"I'm a night walker."

"A what?"

"I thought it was pretty self explanatory. I enjoy the night and shadows, I know how to do a lot of things. Sneak through shadows, pick locks...steal things without being caught...I have a very... specific skill set."

"Dammit girl!" Minho cursed. "You're shucken impossible."


He rolled his eyes. He didn't leave though, he placed his forearms on his knees.

"So are you finally going to join the runners and help find a way out or are you still determined to go back to your precious Measow?" He finally asked.

I was quiet. I had thought about it a lot last night. Alby was pissed I wasn't doing a job and participating in the workings of the Glade. I told him to go shuck himself.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now