Chapter 22: And Fish Tails!

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{AN: Before anyone comes after me, remember, this story is in Ruby's POV she's never met Sebastian before. So because his name isn't introduced to her until later he's just - The Crab :D Enjoy!}


They drop down into the ocean and Ruby gasps and covers her mouth and chest. She was wearing a tube top like a bathing suit but her legs weren't legs anymore. All she saw was fish.

"Oh boy! Under the sea again!" Donald explains.

"Uh-huh!" Goofy says.

"Relax, Ruby. Donald's magic allows us to move freely under the water." Sora says. Ruby looks down at herself.

"I'm... a mermaid?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah, you look great." Sora states. Ruby looks at Sora and wonders if it was Roxas saying that. Sora's cheeks were red, staring at Ruby.

"Don't look at me!" Ruby tells him and pushes her hand against his face, turning his face away from her. She was telling Roxas that and Sora laughed.

"Come on! This will be fun!" Sora exclaims.

"Sora! Donald! Goofy!" A voice says and they look over.

"Uh... hi there..." Sora says as a girl swims over to them.

"So pretty." Ruby whispers.

"This is Ariel. She's a princess." Sora explains.

"A princess." Ruby breathes out.

"Forget how to swim already?" Ariel asks.

"Kinda." Sora explains, "We could use a refresher. Ruby needs a lesson as well."

"I did notice you have a new friend." Ariel explains.

"Hi, I'm Ruby. You've got pretty hair. How is it so pretty when we're under the ocean?" Ruby asks. Ariel giggles.

"You follow Flounder. He show you what to do." A crab says.

"Come on guys! You can do it." Flounder says. Soon the group is swimming. Ruby swims around in a circle and she giggles. She was having so much fun.

"That's much better!" Sora exclaims.

"Now den... What brings you three and your new friend into de sea? Is somethin' going on?" The crab asks.

"Kind of." Sora replies.

"But everything SEEMS peaceful." Goofy explains.

"Oh, everything's fine... as long as Daddy's in a good mood." Ariel explains.

"Hey, we got us a concert very soon. Why don't you sing in my musical extravaganza?" The crab asks.

"I love to sing." Ruby explains.

"Please say yes! Ariel's been actin' strange lately. But she might settle down and practice if you're dere, too." The crab explains.

"That sounds fun." Donald explains.

"Let's give it a shot." Sora states.

"Excellent!" The crab says, "Now den, I teach you everything you need."

"Er, what do we have to do?" Sora asks.

"It's easy! All you gotta do is feel de rhythm!" The crab exclaims, "Hear de beat and put a little shake in it! Ready? Let's go!" Sora and Ruby begin dancing. Ruby and Sora swim down into a circle as they dance.

"Very good! Okay, Donald! Your turn! You do just like Sora! Den he see what you got!" The crab exclaims. Donald does the same.

"Dat's it! Now Goofy!" The crab exclaims. Goofy does it differently but it was still the same.

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