Chapter 31: We'll Meet Again - I'll Make Sure of It!

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"Breath... should I take a deep?" Ruby is shown sitting alone on the clock tower as she stares out at the sunset. "Faith... should I take the leap?" Roxas is shown in his organization thirteen cloaks with the hood up. "Taste... what a bittersweet!" The two are shown walking the opposite direction of one another before they are shown looking at one another from over their shoulders. "All my, all my life!" Axel is shown walking over to Roxas and putting his arm around his neck and pulling him away. "Let me face!" Ruby is shown looking away as she stands alone. "Let me face!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown running from Nobodies that suddenly attack. "Let me face my fears!" Roxas is shown looking down sadly as he was forced to follow orders. "Let me face! Let me face! Let me face my fears!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown laughing as she sits next to Roxas as the two talk. "Won't be long!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown standing with shock on her face as Roxas is shown standing in front of her. "Won't be long!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown crying as she stands alone. "I'm almost here!" Light flashes as Sora and Roxas are shown on separate screens before Roxas is shown fading away and Sora is shown alone. "Watch me cry all my tears!" Ruby is staring at the sky as it looks like doves fly around her. "Let me face!" Light flashes as Ruby is shown floating back as she reaches up. "Let me face!" Roxas, Ruby, Xion and Axel are shown laughing together as Ruby and Roxas sit beside one another. "Let me face my fears!" Music continues to play as Ruby and Roxas are shown reuniting before Ruby is shown sitting alone as she stares out at the sky and the title is shown above her.

[The World That Never Was]

They enter the world and Ruby looks up at the castle with Sora and the others. Ruby takes a deep breath. Mickey joins them after they'd stepped into the world. Ruby places her hand against her chest. She was going to help her friends.

"Wow..." Donald explains.

"Axel said Kairi is in the dungeon." Sora tells Mickey.

"Let's get going then." Mickey declares. The group heads out of the alley and Ruby stops as she looks around.

"I recognize this place from Roxas's memories." Ruby explains and she gasps as she senses something. She looks forward and a cloaked figure steps out of the portal. A keyblade appears in the guy's hand.

"It can't be..." Ruby states.

"Ruby, what's wrong?" Sora asks.

"Roxas!" Ruby yells out. The Keyblade wielder attacks Sora and Ruby jumps into the way, making her keyblade appear. She was barely able to hold Roxas back. Sora, Roxas and Ruby appear in another world as Ruby throws Roxas back.

"Ruby! He's not Roxas! There's no way!" Sora exclaims, "And since when do you have a keyblade?!"

"I have a connection to Roxas and you, how do you think?!" Ruby asks and Sora and Ruby rush forward to attack the Roxas attacking them. They end up defeating him but he keeps attacking them.

"Roxas! Stop this! It's me Ruby!" Ruby cries out. She makes her keyblade vanish and she rushes forward and hugs Roxas tightly.

"Ruby!" Sora cries out and Ruby gently pushes his hood down. She looks at Roxas as he stares at her.

"Ruby... I just... I wanted to come back to you. I wanted to be with you." Roxas tells her as he drops his keyblades and falls to his knees.

"And we will be, Roxas. I'll make sure of it." Ruby explains and touches her forehead to his. He closes his eyes and all his memories flash into Ruby and Sora's minds. All his side glances towards Ruby and how she made him happy. Ruby appears in a vision sitting beside him on the clock tower.

"Roxas." Ruby states as she sits beside him.

"Ruby! It's you... But how..." Roxas asks.

"I temporarily transported myself here. Through our connection." Ruby explains and she sits beside him taking his hand.

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