Chapter 8

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so its been 1 whole year since Sawyer and i have moved to the states. shes 10 now and i still havent told anyone at GLEE! that i have a daughter... no. im not embarassed of her........ i just dont know how to tell them and im really scared that they will take me off the show, and i need this job for going to tell lea tomorrow night, she the one i trust and i feel like i can tell her.
we have a party for GLEE! tonight, i plan on having her come stay here at my house. she has before but Sawyer was in canada with my mom.. and i kept her door locked.... i promise i love her and the LA world is very cruel and i dont want my daughter to have to deal with that..



Tonight we have and award show and party... for GLEE! and cory asked if i wanted to stay over again.

i told him yes because i love spending time with cory hes amazing and hes like my best friend...

when we get to the party cory told me he had something to tell me after wards or tomorrow morning i said okay because i love that cory can trust me and i can trust the party cory and i got a little tipsy and had sex in the bathroom... not my proudest moment but hey...i dont judge..



Cory and I had just gotten back from a long night at an award show...(this was before we were together) and Cory told me he wanted me to met somebody but they were back at his place so I could just stay the night if I wanted and could meet them in the morning.... So thats what I did.... I thought it was his mom or an old friend from Canada.... But when we got to his house he walked into the room next to the guest room and said," princess, it's daddy I'm home... I'm gonna go to bed now.... See you in the morning." I didn't think much about it at the time I was really tired..but the next moring I heard little footsteps running down the hall towards Cory's room and that's when I heard,"daddy! Daddy! Wake up! ......."I got up and walked to the outside of the room..... And Cory was still sleeping..... So The child yelled at him even louder... the child -daddy wake up or I'm gonna put you in time out!!!!!!Cory- okay, okay!! I'm up... I'm awake... the child-daddy how come you came home so late last night......?Cory- princess, I told you I had something for work last night.... the child-oh yea,... I forgotCory started to tickle her the child-daddy stop.... I'm gonna pee...Cory-okay,okay... So how about some breakfast...I ran so fast back to the guest room.....and acted like i was still asleep... When Cory came In to "wake me up...." I jumped because , Cory really did scare me.....Cory- hey, lee are you hungry?Me-yea be down in a sec....!Cory-okay hurry I want you to meet them before they have to go...Me- oh okayI got dressed and ran down stairs...When I saw the cutest little girl in the world....Cory-lee this is Sawyer belle.......(a long pause) my daughter..Me-Cory, she's beautifulSawyer-thank you I'm 10 but I'll be in a few months so...Me-Cory can I talk to you....?Cory- yea sure....Me-why did you want me to meet her....?Cory- because I trust you and know body else knows about her yet....Me-well I have to get home and get ready for today... We have a photo shoot for season 2....Cory-okay let me take her to school and I'll be there....Sawyer-bye lee.!

oh my lord... cory has a daughter i cant believe it ... thats what hes been hiding.

wow!!!!!!!!!! im so very shocked right now ... i woonder if hes gonna tell ryan.. and the rest of the cast...





Lea seemed kinda mad. but i told her and i want to tell the rest of the cast and crew maybe ill tell ryan today and see if he'll let her come to work with me and thats when i will tell the rest of my co-workers.

C- hey Ryan can i talk to you before we start the photoshoot?

R- of course bud, whats up?

C- Well i have a secrect and i wanted to tell you about it.

R- you already told me about the drug problem you used to have..

C- no um actually when i was 18... i... um had a daughter and shes now 10. and ive had her , her whole life but i was afraid that the life in HOLLYWOOD would be to much for her so we just lived in LA with out her knowing about what i do to a 100% point and i think now its timee for me to tell her and tell the cast and crew if thats okay... and i told lea this morning...

R- cory really wow... im happy for you but why didnt you tell us i couldve put her on your insurance plan? and she couldve gone to school at the studio and you couldve seen her a lot more... i just thought i knew you a lot more than this, but i would love if you brought her to set with you and introduce her to us.

C-really? I was just about to ask that.

R-really I want to meet her.

Wow could this day get any better. as a employ i am releaved that my employer is okay with my daughter and wants me to bring her to work. i still have to talk to lea about sawyer. she really seemed mad.. that i didnt tell her sooner.

C- hey lea can we talk for a second?

L- what about?

C- Sawyer Belle... if you dont mind..?

L- cory i have to work.. i dont really have time to talk about this right now..

C- lea i told you that out of confidince and right now i really regret telling you guys because of how mad you are or acting like i stole pride from you or something... im not going to sit here and let you be mad at5 me over this it was my choice to not tell you or anybody else about her because i felt like the HOLLYWOOD OR LA life wasnt for her so i didnt bring her into it.. and for you to be mad is ridiculous.

L-cory thats not the point thats not why im mad im mad because... i love you and for years i thought you had a girlfriend and that she went back and forth from canada...

C- you love me?

L- yes ive loved you since the 1st day i saw you.

C- oh. i love you too.

she kissed me and she kissed me hard.....i pulled away..

C- what about leo.?

L- hes my boyfriend..but its just not working anymore .

C-lea yall are still together you cant do that to him ive waited this long i can wait a little bit longer yall have to break up 1st.....i cant cheat with you.

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