Chapter 3

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It's been two years since I got Sawyer and her mom has yet to come see her but she's turning 5 soon....

I can't believe It she is getting so big she hair is darkening to a light brown.

Where has the time gone! Last I remember she was three and watching Nemo everyday and now she's starting school in the fall. I hope she takes not being with my everyday well because last time I left her at my moms for a couple of hours and she totally freaked out.

I started acting here in Canada just small things but I hope to get something big soon not just for me but for Sawyer. I know that she needs the money more than I do so I try to work my very best. Who knew I was a good actor but then again I did pretend to love Leigh for 2 years so I guess I'm pretty damn good at it. that's why she hates me, I mean I loved that she gave me Sawyer I loved that I had a child but I didn't love her.

Sawyer doesn't want a party so I'm not giving her one. I asked her why and she said because all I want to do on my birthday is be with you and only you.

I'm really lucky to have a daughter That loves me so much. She thinks that we are gonna make a big deal and go on a trip for her birthday but I thought it would be better just to stay here in Canada with me, because we don't have a lot of money and the time.

MAY 17th ,2005

Sawyer ran to my room and woke me up.

Sawyer- daddy daddy wake up it my birthday!!!!!

Me-Sawyer Belle Grace Monteith! go back to sleep its 3:30 in the morning!


She ran down stairs and called my mom.


Ann-honey slow down and stop crying.

Sawyer-daddy yelled at me ***crying harder*** on my birthday

I slowly walked down stairs and picked her up to hold her In my arms. I took the phone from her and talked to my mom.

Me-I didn't me to yell at her....... she woke me up and it just came out! I'm such such an asshole mom, she hates me.

Mom- no your not and no she doesn't she loves you more than you know. you used to cry to when I yelled at you for waking me up. Tell I love her and happy birthday. I love you!

Me-I love you too! and thank you...

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