chapter 14

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okay so before we start this chapter I'm just gonna say thanks for reading this story. and there's only going to be a few more chapters. but I'm going to be writing a new series about the FAST AND FURIOUS FRANCHISE. it's going to be about the children of the original family. and how they kinda fall in too the same life style of their parents but as teenager still living under their parents roof.
(12 months later around the time that Cory went to rehab)
okay so things have been going okay. since dad left for rehabilitation and I love him so very much but this guy that he's becoming isn't my father this isn't who I grew up knowing .. I've been spending a lot  of time with my mom trying to get to know her and keep my mind off of my dad. Lea wants me to come and spend a weekend with her. but when I'm there I think of my dad and I ask my self "could he have done it here?" and I think of all the good times That we had and think " was he high then?" it really scares me at time but I know he went away to get better. and I'm glad that he did. I was lost in my thoughts when Lea called me. and snapped me back to reality.
l-hey love what are you doing?
s-I'm hanging in there.
l-well, why don't you come hangout today and we can catch up?
s-I'm super busy today..I'm sorry lots of stuff to do before going back to school.
l-sawyer why don't you want to hangout with me anymore? I miss you. you're like my daughter and I love you very much.
s- Lea it's not that I don't want to I just can't. when I look at you I think of that day and it's hard on me.
l-please let me help you get through this. don't you want to be happy when you're dad gets home?
s-of course I do but he's not the same. he's not the man I thought he was.
l- just come over and hangout today and we can talk some more.
s- okay be there soon.
I went to get on the bus and take it to 5th street 4 blocks from lea's house but that's as close as I'll get with the bus!🙄
as I'm walking I'm starting to regret coming she's not the same without my father. she's different from the way she was before she knew. I'm trying to understand what she's going through. but she's not at all trying to understand my pain and confusion. she has got to understand that, the guy he's been the past few months isn't the guy who is my father. the court would of never given me to him if it was. right now my "mother" is the only constant thing in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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