Chapter 6

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"I am not jealous!!! I just hate you. I wish you could go to hell." The brother tried to shoot Zander and Layla but he missed. "Wow, you are worse than I thought. Do you need help? I could get you my trainer to help you learn how to shoot properly." Zander said teasingly. Zanders' brother started fuming. He tries to shoot Zander and Layla but two police officers come in and put him down. He fell to the ground and one of the police officers cuffed him.
"Thank you officers. He was just about to shoot me and my pri.." Zander realized that what he says next will make him go to jail or not. "And your what?" An officer asked while getting his brother up. "She my.." thinking of the lie that could first come to his head. He said, "She is my lover. And I was about to propose to her but couldn't because he kidnapped her yesterday."
Everyone was shocked about what he just said. "You were about to do what?" Layla screamed. She was so surprised by what he just said. "Wow, congratulations." the police officer said. "I should get this out of your way so you could actually do that." The police officers left with the brother. "Thank you officers for all of your help. I am sure she is going to love this ring." The police left with Zanders' brother struggling to escape them. "Oh, she is my lover and I am going to marry her and blah blah blah. bullsh*t." Layla said jokingly. Zander pulled her closer to him. "Hey, you're lucky I didn't expose our identity. So be grateful."
"Why the f**k should i be grateful for you? Your the one who kidnapped me and have f**king sex with m...?" zander put his hands over her mouth to shut her up. "Shut up. They might hear you." he said while looking out the window. Layla with her still cuffed hands took his hands off of her, "I don't care if they hear me or not. I will gladly get us both in jail." After that, she got out of Zander's hold and started screaming.
"Hey officers. Me and him are both mafias. You should come and arrest u...." Before Layla could continue her sentence, Zander pushed her towards the wall and put his hands on her mouth and his other on the wall. He looked outside to make sure that they didn't hear her. "You better shut your pretty little mouth up right now or I will kill you. Slowly." he said. Layla got scared for a second.
She calmed down and Zander took his hand off her mouth. "That's a good Mi Amor." He said in a deep voice. "Now, let's get out of here before they start asking questions." Zander said while pointing towards the back door in the kitchen. Layla shook her head and they started walking towards the back door. Zander is holding onto her handcuffs to make sure that she doesn't run away.
They exit the door and they see a car waiting for them. Before she gets the chance to get in the car, someone gets behind her and knocks her out. It was one of the guards. "Good. Now, put her in the b..." He was about to finish when he thought about something. "Actually, let me be in the back with her. You can sit in the front today." Zander said. The guards shook his head and gave Layla to him.
They both were in the car now. Zander put Layla's head on his lap and he started brushing her hair. He also started admiring her. Once he realized that he started falling in love with her. *ding* Zander got a text message from a random number. The text read: "we have your money. Come to XXXX and bring Layla."
"Hey. go to this address. They have what we want." Zander said. He gave the phone to his guard and they changed lanes. 10 minutes later. They arrived at the place and saw that it was an open area. A restaurant. Zander was confused but he went along with it.  "Stay here. I will be back out in a little. If anything happens, you come inside to see if I'm okay."
The guards leave to go to the parking space. Zander enters to see the whole entire restaurant empty. He looked around to see one table full of people. "Hello sir. Please follow me." said the host in the front. Zander and the host both went up to the table. "Maam, sir, your "guest" is here." the host said. He then pulled the chair out and sat.
"Hello. I heard that you have my child." Said Layla's mom. "And I heard that you have my money, so I guess we both have something worth lots." Zander said. They all started laughing. "You really are a funny man, aren't you." Layla's dad said. "But now, we need to get on with the serious matter at hand." Everyone stopped laughing and looked at each other. "Where is my child?" Asked Layla's mom. "She's currently in a very safe space very close by."
In the car. Layla's brother was outside of the car. His parents sent him to go get Layla back.when he went inside, both the guards were currently talking, when all of a sudden. *thump* Everything went black. Layla's brother knocked both of them out. "Layla!!" he whispered when he found Layla laying there unconscious. The next thing the guards know, Layla is missing. "They both went rushing out of the car to the restaurant. They busted in the door. "Boss." They all stopped their conversation to look at the guards. "The girl is missing. Layla is missing."
Everyone was shocked by what they just said. Layla's family got up immediately. "Where is my child?" The mom shouted. "Until you find our child, the deal is off." Zander was not surprised by what she just said. Zander then left with the guards. *ring* Layla's dad's phone started ringing. "Did you get her? Is she safe?" He asked. "Yeah. she's fine." said the voice. "She's just sleeping right now." The brother got layla and took her home in another car.
"Did you take out the chip?" asked the father. They knew that Layla had a chip on her but they couldn't tell her cause she was too busy getting kidnapped. "Dad, she also has a big metal bracelet on her wrist. I don't think that it's a tracking device but it looks dangerous." Said the brother. The mom snatched the phone out of Dad's hands."Try to take it off," said the mom. "If you can't, then give it to the technician. I will see you at home hon. Okay." 
"Bye mom." They hung up the phone. Both the mom and dad left the restaurant. They saw that their car was now outside. "Go in my love." said the dad. "I hope she is okay. I couldn't stand being here with her being there with that man." The mom said while hugging the dad. "I know she is." said the dad, hugging back. "She's our daughter. *sigh*  Why wouldn't she."
"Okay." mom said, wiping her tears. "Driver, take us home."  Said mom. They started driving towards their house. Once they got home, they saw another car. It was the one the brother drove in to get away. They walked up to the house and went inside to see Layla awake, getting the bracelet off, and their son on the couch. They were together again.
Mom starts crying again. "Layla, my baby. Your back." Mom ran up to her to give her a very big hug. "Oh how I missed you. Why did you leave me?" Mom sobbed on her shoulder, holding her tight. "I am here. No worries. This is not a dream, I am real." Layla said. She looked up at her mom assuring her that it's okay.
"Are you okay? Did he feed you? Do you need food? You need food. I am going to make a home-made dish just for you. Okay?" Mom said. Before Layla could say anything, she left the kitchen and started making food.
"She has been like this for the past 2 weeks that you have been gone." Dad said, coming up to layla. "She worries about you. you know that, right?" he said. Layla nodded her head. "So, you know that you need to train more so that this won't happen again." Her dad said. He felt bad that he had to send his daughter to do more training even though she didn't need to. "Go to your room so we can start it right away, okay." said dad. They both left the living room and went to their room so they could change.
13 minutes later. Layla enters the training room to see that her dad is training her brother. They both stopped when they saw her enter. "You ready?" asked Dad. "yeah. Just nervous since I haven't done this with you in a while." Layla said. "No worries. It's not like you can't do it." Her brother said while drinking his water.
"And what makes you think that?" said Layla. "He's the one who trained me. I think he's the only person that can beat me in a fight." Layla said, pointing towards her dad. "Yeah, but you're the Mafia queen. Now, no one can beat you unless you're the mafia king." Her brother said.
"Okay, that's enough talking. Let's start, kay?" Her dad said. Layla went towards that middle of the room where the mat is. "Okay, let's start simple. Just try to pin me on the floor for at least 10 seconds. Okay." Layla nodded her head and got ready to pin him. "Okay. on three. 3.. 2... on..." Before he could finish the count down, Layla pinned him on the floor, harshly, and held him there for 15 seconds.
They both got up from the floor. "What was that? I said on three. Why didn't you wait for the countdown?" dad said while trying not to limp in front of them. "Like someone has said, never wait for your enemy, cause you never know if they could find your weak point and hit you there." Layla said. "You also told me to never show anyone my weak point."
Her father smirked at her before drinking his bottle of water. Layla smirked back at her dad before going to put on boxing gloves. "Hey dad." Layla called getting his attention. "I am going to the boxing corner to practice more, Okay?" Layla said. Her dad nodded his head, she walked towards the bag of sand and started punching it. Her brother started walking towards her.
"Why are you training so hard? Just because you got kidnapped once doesn't mean anything." He started leaning on the edge of the fighting ring so he wouldn't get hit by Layla. "Cause...ugh...I need to...Ugh...train so it...Ugh...won't happen again." with that last word, she accidentally punched the bag too hard. It broke.
"You broke another one." Her dad exclaimed. "That was filled with heavy metals and you still broke it." Her and brother were both surprised. "Ehh, it's okay. I am going to go shower and get ready for dinner. Okay." Layla said, smiling at them both. She left the room and went back up the stairs.
30 minutes later. "KIDS COME DOWNSTAIRS. FOOD IS READY." Her mom screamed from across the whole entire home. Everyone came down from their rooms and sat down at the table. Her mom was jumping up and down in her chair because she wanted to see Layla eat after just a week of not seeing her.
"Layla, why don't you have the honors of having the first bite. It's your first day back with us." her mom said. Both dad and brother put down the spoonful of food they were about to devour and turned to face layla. They were looking at her, with facial expressions saying to hurry up and eat so they can also eat.
Hurriedly, she put a spoonful of food in her mouth. "Wow mom. This is amazing. What is this?" She and the boys started stuffing their faces with food. "Thank you hunny. It's something that I was working on while you were gone. It was something that I was going give you when we get you back." Her mom said before starting to eat herself. Layla swallowed her food. "Well, you should start making this more often." Layla said.
8 minutes later. Everyone who finished eating is currently in a big food coma. "I think that's enough food for me today." said the brother. "Me too, son. I am going back upstairs. Good night everyone." The Dad and brother both left the dinner table, walking like zombies up the stairs to their rooms.
Layla was about to go and wash the dirty dishes like she always does but her mom stops her. "You don't have to wash them today or for the rest of the week. You go and sleep. I will wash them, Okay." Layla nodded and went back upstairs. She changed into her pajamas and went to sleep.

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