Chapter 11

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"NO NO NO NO NO. That can't be, he has been my father this whole time. Since I was a baby. They are family. Please say this is false. My mother can testify. He is her husband and she can testify." Layla could not understand what she was just hearing.
    "Breathe." Zander said, affirming her. He wrapped his arms around Layla's waist and pushed her towards his chest when she laid and cried in his arms.
    "How could I let this happen? How..." Zander put his hand over her mouth to stop her crying. "It's okay baby." He lifted her face to face him. "No one could have known this would happen. Not even I predicted this." Zander put her face back in his chest.
    Zander cradled Layla in his lap. They stayed like that for a little while before someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Zander yelled.
    It was Layla's mom. "Hey. How's she doing?" she asked. Zander looked down at Layla to see her fast asleep in his lap. "Looks like she is currently knocked out." Zander placed on the bed, careful not to wake up. He laid the blanket on her and they both left the room.
    They went to the living room and sat down in silence. After a while, Layla's mom broke the silence. "I am so very sorry that this happened. I had to. He was going to kill her if I didn't and I didn't know what..." Zander put his hand up to stop her from talking her mouth off.
    "I can't forgive you fully but I do have something to help. Be in her life. Just be there for your child. No matter what happens. And next time, come to me when this stuff happens. Okay?"
    Zander rested his hand on her leg (not sexually). She nodded her head. "Okay. so just to let you know, I kinda burned down your house." She stood up so suddenly, some guards were shocked as well. "You did what!?"
    "Yeah, sorry. But no worries. I got you a new house. You can live there if you want or you can live here with us." She sat back down.
    "I will live here but I don't forgive you for burning my house." She left the living room to go to god knows where. Zander got up to go take a shower. He went up to the room Layla was in and saw her still sleeping. He entered the shower, showered and changed into clothes. He got on the bed and scooped up Layla into his arm.
    And then the rest is history.
( Again. I am so sorry that I cut the story short but I got shit at school. Please understand.) i will put out ideas about them in the future.

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