Im not leaving you- sad, Lee Eun-hyuk

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"I'LL COME BACK SAFELY," Eunhyuk said while Eunyu held his arm, you looked at the siblings with worry visible in your eyes, you mentally prayed that he wasn't lying. "You promise?" Eunyu asked hesitantly as Eunhyuk smiled at her and said yes before letting go of her

He was lying, you thought while watching his figure slowly disappear. You and Eunhyuk had only dated for 10 months and despite how short you guys have dated, you've always caught and noted the things he'd do if he would lie. "Go now- Eunyu, I'll wait for him here," You gave her a smile that hid the opposite intentions from the words that had come out from your mouth.

Eunyu watched back and forth, from the direction where Eunhyuk went and to you, finally, she walked away which made you let out a stressed sigh. "I'm sorry, Eunyu-ssi," A sad smile appeared on your face before running to where Eunhyuk had walked away, the only emotions you felt at the moment was fear and worry because no one knows what Eunhyuk could do right now

The first destination you thought was the security or daycare- I mean he was always cooped up in that area so you had no doubts that he was there, and you were indeed right

There you see him sit on his usual chair. You stopped right in front of the door and watched him grab the headphones, "Eunhyuk," You called out his name calmly while slowly walking to him, "Y/N? What are you doing her-" You cut his sentence by wrapping your arms around his shoulder

"Why did you lie to your sister? Why are you ending your life?" Tears started to form in your eyes as you let your jaw rest atop his head, "I have to, Y/N, I'm infected, If I'll stay, I might harm you guys and that's the last thing I want to do," He sobbed, letting his tears stream on his cheek

"Then let's die together,"

"What?" He said in disbelief, you only chuckled before speaking, "Do you remember what you've said exactly 9 months ago? We will never separate... only death will do us part,"

"Even if we won't reach our first anniversary... even if we won't get married... even if we won't have kids... and even if we won't grow old together... at least we'd part together," Tears formed in the corner of your eyes, you tried hard to hold it in as Eunhyuk slowly held your hand and made you sit by the chair that was next to him

"Come on now, Y/N, let's die most romantically," Eunhyuk joked which made you punch him on the arm, you released out a sign and sat next to him, letting your shoulders rest on his shoulders while he caressed your head

Eunhyuk cleared his throat and asked, "If we're to have a child, what should we name it?"

You sighed and said, "If it was a boy, I'd go with Hyuk, but if it was a girl, I'd name it Eunwoo," You smiled, imagining if you guys had a child. "That sounds nice but I actually wanted twins," The both of you laughed as the building started to shake

Eunhyuk's smile faltered and turned to you, while you did the same. "I guess this is goodbye," He smiled but you only shook your head and said, "This isn't a goodbye, we'll meet again- maybe in heaven or hell"

Eunhyuk only shook his head with a smile before leaning in to kiss you on the lips, one last time. This kiss wasn't the same as the previous ones you guys had, instead of the sensual or intense one, this one felt meaningful

Both of you felt the love through the kiss, the two of you had backed up as the shaking continued to become more intense. Wrapping your hands to his shoulder, you let your head rest on his shoulder as he did the same

"Is this the only promise you'll ever fulfil?" You said while caressing his back, you felt his head nod, "That's good, at least you kept your promise,"

The shaking was already intense enough to shatter the whole building

"I love you, Eunhyuk,"
"I love you too, Y/N"

The both of you squeezed your eyes shut as tears kept releasing on both of your eyes before your mind went blank.

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