Good girl- Smut, Cha Hyun-Su

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As your eyes locked with Hyun Su's , slowly walking towards you as he swiftly unblocked his pants , coming to a complete halt once he was in between you legs

Raising his right hand as he slowly reaches for your neck slightly gripping your throat tightly, making sure that you could still breathe as he leans in for a kiss , as his lips connects with yours as your lips move in sync , as the kiss becomes more heated , Cha Hyun su starts to ask for entrance with his tongue , gladly accepting as you feel his tongue slipping in to your mouth as you both fight for dominance

Which Hyun Su quickly wins as he pulls away from the kiss , giving you a final peck o the lips before , as he lets free of your neck , hand slowly trailing down your neck , over your pump boobs , letting out soft moans as you feel Hyun Su rough hands against your soft skin

As your eyes were still locked on Hyun su , watching as his eyes slowly looks over your body , causing your to close your legs tightly, no matter how main times you had sex with Hyun su .. you always became nervous under his gaze

It didn't help that he allowed his monster self to take control for today , it caused your nerves to spike even more and he continued to look over you naked body , his face showing no expression making you wish you could just disappear as you didn't know what he was thinking at this point

It wasn't like it was the first time that Hyun su let his monster self take control every once and while , knowing that you wouldn't be harmed , since he could feel what ever Hyun su felt , it was as if there was now two sides of him that you got to experience

After a couple more seconds of silence and Hyu su examining your body , he finally looks in your eyes , blue eyes shining with delight , as he starts to slowly rub over your naked body

"Seems Hyun Su made a good choice, don't you think Princess" Hyun su says as his eyes looks deep in to your soul , causing your body to slightly shiver , as you slowly nod your head in agreement

"Words Baby girl" Hyun Su says as he gives your thighs a slight slap , causing you to let out a small gasp

"Y-Yes" you say with a shaky breath , as you feel your core dripping as the hospital bed starts to become more soaked by the minute

"Good girl" Hyun su says with a smile , as he pulls away , causing you to let out a whimper once his hands leaves your body

Not braking eye contact with you , pulling down his pants and boxers a bit as they fall down to his ankles , causing you to brake eye contact as you slowly look down

Eyes becoming wide as you lock eyes with his cock , becoming nervous for the millionth time today , he was bigger then he was before , as you continue to stare at his cock , not noticing as Hyu su closes the small gap between you both

Softly griping your hips , finally looking up as Hyun su gives you a small smile as you feel his hands open your legs wider , Hyun su then leans down as he locks his lips with your giving you a passionate kiss as you kiss back

Slowly using one of his hands to lay you in your back , not braking the kids once as he uses the same hand to grab his member lining with your entrance as he pushes all 8 inches of his thick coke inside of you causing your to let out a loud gasp as you brake the kiss , back arching off the bed

As Hyun su stand straight up , pulling your body off closer towards the edge of the hospital bed so your bottom half was hanging slightly off the bed , grabbing your right leg as he pushes your leg towards your shoulder , your knee touching the bed as he holds it in place , soon doing the same with your other leg

Once you where in a position to his liking , as he starts to pond in to your dripping cunt , letting out a loud moan as you start to claw at the bed

"S-So tight" Hyun su groans out as he starts to pick up his pace

"H-Hyun su" you moan out as your back arch more off the hospital bed , clawing at the bed as you feel your self tighten around Hyun Su's cock

Groaning as he starts to pound in your cunt deeper , eyes rolling to the back of your head , as you choke on a moan , nails clawing at the bed as you start to feel something inside your stomach

As Hyun sun'a blue eyes from your face , down to your huge bobs that bounced with every thirst his made cashing his cock to throb as he pounded inside your wet cunt harder , eyes still traveling down your body as they stop at your stomach

Blue eyes starting to grow with amusement, cock throbbing so painfully that it felt like he would cum inside you at any second, slowly moving his right hand from your legs , grabbing your right hand and forcefully placing it on your leg to it in place

"Don't let go" Hyun su threatens causing your cunt to tighten , tightly holding your leg in place not wanting to know what happens if you don't

As Hyun su's eyes still locked on the lump that was formed on your stomach, taking his now free hand as his softly rubs the lump that was formed on your stomach, as you jump slightly at the new feeling letting out a louder moan Hyun su ever heard from you , smile growing wide as his eyes now stare as your fucked out expression

"Feels good princess" Hyun su says as he lets out groan when you tighten around his cock in response, as he puts more pressure on the lump in your stomach, groaning as he start to feel the pressure on his cock , as you start to claw at the bed with your free hand , other hand nails digging into your leg as you refuse to let go

Picking up his pace , pounding in your violently as you start to feel your self near your climax , eyes rolling to the back of your hand , as your toes start to curl

"I-I'm c-clos-" you try to moan out as removes his hand from your stomach tightly gripping your throat as you start to feel a knot form in your stomach

"Hold it" Hyun Su demands as he looks you in your eyes , pounding in to you deeper as his cock continues to kiss your sweet spot as you try to hold your climax , after a few more violet thrust you felt Hyun su's cock twitch inside of you signaling that he was close

"Gonna put a baby in you" Hyun su says , thrust becoming sloppy as he was so close to cumming inside you, refusing to cum first

With three more deep and long strokes you felt your self cum of his cock , leaving a ring of cum around his throbbing cock , picking up his pace a bit more as he feels his self cum not to long after you , as he keep his pace fucking his cum back inside of you , once he felt like it was good enough he slowly pulls out of your dripping cunt , leaving you to feel empty , taking his hand as he rubs your stomach slowly looking up to your fucked our face

"I think Hyun su would like the idea of your carrying our child" Hyun su says eyes now watching your stomach as he imagines your grown belly , not getting a response as he looks back up to notice that your sleeping , smiling a bit as he climbs in the bed with your grabbing a cover that was left on the side as he wraps both of your body's , kissing your forehead as he doses off in to a deep sleep , smile never leaving his face

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