Kisses all the time- fluff, Cha Hyun-Su

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cha hyunsu was the boy of yours dreams. does that sound too cliche? it didn't matter to you because he was everything you ever wanted in your life.

you met him back in highschool after helping him through all of the bullying. the two of you quickly became friends after that.

about a year or so later the two of you started dating. it was you who admitted that you liked him, a lot.

he had a shocked expression on his face at first but quickly gathered his thoughts. it turned out that he liked you as well.

long story short - the two of you are living together at the green house residence. unfortunately some sort of apocalypse broke out which only worried the people in the building.

the main exit doors were blocked off as eun-hyeok said to do so, while other people were freaking out.

hyunsu was mostly terrified about losing you. he cared more about you than himself, he absolutely loved you.

eventually one of you did get infected - it was hyunsu. he didn't turn though, he was just infected, kind of like a cold.

it didn't matter to you though, but it mattered to everyone else, especially seok-hyun.

the two of you decided to back to your shared room to get some supplies in the moment. everyone requested you two to get something from their apartments, so you agreed to.

you got to your room and closed the door, then sat on your bed. "hyunsu, can we rest for a moment?"

"of course." hyunsu sat down beside you, then lay back.

you copied his movement and turned towards him. his long hair shaped his soft face while his lips puffed out - he was perfect.

he noticed you looking at him which made him turn towards you. "are my eyes weird again?" hyunsu asked.

"no, no. i was just looking at my perfect boyfriend." you reached to touch his cheek, softly caressing it.

hyunsu always got flushed when he listened to your compliments, but deep down he loved them.

you then scooted closer to him. "can i kiss you?" you asked.

"yeah." he replied quietly.

you started by planting a peck on his forehead, then on the bridge of his nose, his cheeks, and finally on his lips. "perfect."

hyunsu smiled before copying your movement - it made you giggle when he did this, his lips were just so soft.

"you're even more perfect." he replied.

the two of you just admired each other. you guys never got time together due to being separated since hyunsu was infected.

you missed snuggling his side and your late night conversations. why couldn't people just accept hyunsu?

"we should go before they notice we've been gone for too long." hyunsu said before placing another kiss on your lips. "i miss kissing you."

you smiled as your sat up. "i missed your kisses."

your love for hyunsu was unstoppable and he thought the same. "y/n. can I ask you something?"

you looked up to your boyfriend when he stood up. did he grow more? maybe you just haven't seen him that much. "whats up?"

"you aren't afraid of me right? im scared to infect you with whatever is happening with me." he spoke, "i don't want you to be hurting."

you frowned before reaching to kiss his cheek. "infected or not, you're everything to me, nothing can change that."

"but- the others think im a horrible creature. they think i'll hurt you or something." he sighed.

"well they're wrong. i know you won't hurt me and i also know that they don't know us that well, right?" i reached and squeezed his hand, "i love you, hyunsu."

hyunsu looked back down at you, a small smile stretched across his face. "i love you too."

whether people say something or not you still loved this boy. nothing will ever stop you from loving him.

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