Monster- angst, Cha Hyun-Su

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After walking for hours as it was now dark outside as you end up finding a empty , run down school bus , that juts so happen to be not to far from a sink hole but at a safe enough distance that you could get some rest and allow N/n to take control, You had a agreement you get to take over once in awhile but she had full control as long as your were aware of anything going on from within

It's been hours since you've been walking , as your feet started to become sore , eyes scanning around for any where you could get some rest

Walking past a huge flower dome as you notice a sink hole not to far , seeing that there was a school bus at a safe distance from the sink hole , making your way around the sink hole , as you stop once you were in front of the bus door

Forcefully sliding the door open as your slowly walk up the small steps , heading down the isles of the bus as you check every row of seats making sure you were in the clear , heading back towards the front of the bus as your quickly take a seat , laying your head against the window as your slowly dose off in to a deep sleep

Only a few seconds later, you started to hear footsteps , deciding to ignore it as not long after your felt the bus shake from a huge wave of wind , causing your eyes to snap open , no longer a Hazel brown , now shining a bright green with flecks of gold , closing your eyes as you let sit up straight , letting out a deep , long sigh as your stretch your arms

After getting a good stretch your face now holding a cold expression as your head slowly turns to who ever was now disturbing your peace , standing to your feet as your walk toward the front of the bus , slowly walking down the stairs as you start to look around for who ever or what ever it was

After a while of scanning the area your eyes soon landed on three figures not to far from your , scratching your head in annoyance as you quickly walk towards the three figure , picking up two near by rocks as you stop a few inches from the three unknown figures as there two of there backs was facing you but the third figure seemed to be a child

Rolling your eyes as you take a rock from one hand to another , quickly the throwing them each at the unknown figures back , not using your full strength as both figure let out a groan in pain quickly turning as your face turn from annoyance to anger, hurt ... you didn't know really

Hyun su who's blue eyes loos at you with an unknown expression , as eun yu faces carries a look of both sadness and shock

"Great , It's the person that left reader to die" N/n says as she stares at him with a cold expression, words laced with so much venom

"Reader, your okay" Eun yu says as she slowly walks towards you, your green eyes now locked with hers , face still holding cold look

"Fuck off" N/n replies rolling her green eyes as she looks at Eun yu with the same amount of hatred

"Don't be mean to Eun Yu , she's my friend" you call out (in your head) as N/n replies a quick Whatever

"Your not Reader... are you" Hyun su says Blue eyes staring into yours with curiosity, not wanting to actually believe it's not you , as you turn to look at him , a wide smile now growing on your face

"Wow, not only did you leave her so heartlessly and without a second thought... but your not so dumb either" N/n says with a wide smile , green eyes shine with amusement

"B-But.. H-how" Eun yu says as she looks at you with confusion, causing n/n to let out a heartless laugh

"Well, She was already infected you known.. but no one seemed to notice, she controlled it so well ya know" N/n says as her green eyes looks between both Hyun su and Eun yu as the third unknown person closely watches in interest

"But.." N/n says with along pause , eyes now locked with Hyun Su's now brown eyes as she gives him a cold expression

"But .. you decided to abandon her , basically left her to die , she couldn't stay with the others long ... so she left , allowed me to take full control .. of course she has her once a month or whenever I feel like it mostly , you know.."  N/n says still holding a cold expression as she pauses once more , slowly walking past Eun Yu who's eyes slowly follows your movements as your come to a complete stop only a few inches away from Hyun Su

"She tried to kill herself lots of times , hanging , bullets , cutting.. anything she could think of really and honestly it was really amusing to watch but ... I soon realized... if Reader dies .. I die , And I can't die yah know.. well not by our hands at least"  N/n says as she lets out a long sigh rolling her green eyes as they land once again on Hyun su

"Stop it N/n" she hears in her hand as she rolls he eyes again

"W-Why..."Hyun su lets out as tears starts t run down his cheeks eyes never leaving yours as you let out an annoyed sigh

"YAH.. Why do you think you dip shit , you left her to die .. not only that you seem to truly care so much for ... her so called friend yah"  N/n as she looks between both Hyun su and Eun yu

"Even looked for her .. Didn't even try to find Reader not once .. real smooth" N/n says , green eyes now locked on Hyun su , who liked him N/n eyes with so much hurt

"I-I love Reader, you don't know anything , your just created from a desire, I know Reader is aware .. I just do.. p-please" Hyun su replies , hot tears running down his cheeks , voice full of so much hurt , wishing that he never left your side , wishing to help to keep control and not give it .. it was all his fault

He left you at your worse and he didn't even notice .. he just wanted to protect you and you still ended up hurt , it make his heart ack with pain as he slowly drops to his knees , eyes never leaving your bright green eyes , now looking at him with curiosity as he slowly rubs he hands together in a pleasing manner , annoyance now showing on your face once more

"Please ... j-just let me speak to her .. I-I can change her mind .. I-..I-I can't lose her" Hyun su cries out as he tries his hardest to get N/n to let you take control

'Do you want to speak to him'

'...sure' your replie

As N/n let's out a annoyed sigh , closing her eyes as she allows your to finally take full control of your body for the first time

"H-Hyun su" You call out throat a big sore from not speaking in a while , as Hyun su quickly looks up at you, slowly standing to his feet as he takes a minute to see if it was really you, once he knew it was you he quickly walked up to you warming his strong arms around your form , as you nervously hug him back , not believing it was really him

"Don't leave me again .." you softly say as soft tears run down your face

"I promise to stay .. just don't loose control , I can't lose you.. your the only thing I have left" Hyun su says as he hugs you tightly

"Umm.. and what about me" Ah-Yi says with fake hurt

"And Ah-yi" Hyun su says with a small smile , slowly braking the hug as he looks at Ah -yi as your turn to face Eun yu , slowly braking the hug from Hyun su as you walk towards Eun yu

"...Reader" Eun yu asks nervously as she stares at you

Nodding your head 'yes' as you open your arms , as Eun yu quickly hugs you back

"I thought you were dead" Eun yu says as she lets out warm tears of joy and sadness

"Me to" you replies hugging back with a small smile as Hyun Su and Ah-Yi watches a few inches away

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