The Next Step

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"Martouf!" It was Tur.

Martouf felt a sense of excitement burst from his heart. Someone was alive!

Lantash looked in the direction the yell came from, and started running over. He gave Martouf control as soon as he came to a stop. "Tur," Martouf said as he hugged his boss. "You're alive. Someone's alive. You are the first person I saw who is alive."

Tur had a huge grin as he returned the hug. "Martouf, we thought you were dead."

"Who else is alive?"

Tur pulled away, and his face seemed to fall. "Jorda, Pekon, and two of the Tok'ra. Jorda, Pekon, and I knew where we could hide. The two Tok'ra fought off the Jaffa who followed. You've seen no one alive?"

Tears started coming again. "I searched most of the town, and then I thought people might have hidden in the cave."

"Yes, that's where we hid. I don't know where else any-your hurt!" Tur saw the dried blood that had previously soaked Martouf's clothes. "Dear goddess, how can you walk?!" He started searching for the injury.

"I'm fine, Tur. I've been healed."

Tur frowned in confusion.

I'd like to speak with Selmak and Aldwin, Lantash thought.

"Where are the others?" Martouf asked. "We need to speak with them."

"We?" Tur questioned, but then started heading back to where the cave was.

Saroosh/Selmak was the second person they saw who was alive. Selmak was in control, and frowned at Tur. "Tur, we told you it was still dangerous." Then she looked surprised. "Martouf? I'm glad you are still alive. Have you seen Lantash? She went looking for you."

"Uh..." Martouf wasn't sure how to answer that. He felt guilty about Setta's death. "Well, yeah."

Selmak took this to mean bad news. With Aldwin being so close, she did not yet sense that he was now blended.

Aldwin also took this as bad news. "She is dead?"

"Setta is...I'm sorry."

"And Lantash?" Selmak asked.

Shall I? Lantash asked.

Yes, I have no idea what to say, Martouf thought back as he bowed his head as he had seen Setta and Lantash do when switching.

Lantash took control, and looked back up to the other Tok'ra, who now both looked surprised.

"Lantash?" Selmak questioned.

Tur looked completely shocked. "Martouf?"

Lantash spoke. "Martouf had been hit with a staff weapon while trying to save Setta and myself. Setta's injuries were beyond my ability to heal, but his were not. He agreed to blend so that we may both live."

"I am sorry to hear of Setta's death," Selmak said. "Lantash, we need to search the town for any Jaffa still left. Rorn was injured, and still needs to heal. He can also guard the others. Is your host up to the task?"

Want to go Jaffa hunting? Lantash asked.

You'll be in control for that, Martouf thought back. He knew this was important, though he wished he could just curl up for the next few days, and be left alone.

"He is."

Selmak looked back to where the village was. "If you searched most of the city, then we should check the Chaapa'ai.

Lantash agreed, and allowed Selmak to lead the way. He knew it would be a while before he would see Saroosh in control. She and Setta had been friends since Setta's joining. Saroosh/Selmak had helped Setta a great deal in learning to become a Tok'ra, and he had a feeling they would be helping Martouf now. Lantash hoped he would someday be able to return the favor.

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