Into the Forest

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Three Tok'ra and three humans crept towards the stargate in two groups. One group had Lantash/Martouf and Jorda. The second group had Saroosh/Selmak, Rorn/Aldwin, Tur, and Pekon. All were armed with zat'nikatels.

Lantash and Martouf switched control. Lantash was in control as they moved through the forest. Martouf was in control whenever they needed to say something to Jorda. Jorda followed closely after them. They were about to become targets.

It would be these two who would take out the five Jaffa, and if need be, run. It was a job for someone who had to know the territory. Lantash and Martouf both agreed for this job right away. They were the perfect choice. Martouf knew the land, and Lantash had the perfect aim with a zat'nikatel. However, there was a chance they couldn't take all five out so quickly, and a second person would be needed. Jorda, having the best aim of the humans with the zat'nikatel, volunteered to be that second person.

As they moved closer to the Chaapa'ai, Lantash and Jorda separated. Lantash kept her in view as he took cover. The other group had gone in first, but he still waited to give them time to take position.

We'll be fine, he thought to his host, who would have been shaking if he was in control. Though Lantash wasn't sure if Martouf would have been shaking with fear or anger. The human felt great amount of both.

Lantash suppressed the emotions inflicted for now. He felt anger not only from Martouf, but from himself over the loss of his host. Anger was good for battle if used correctly. It gave one great strength in determination, physically, in stamina, in endurance, and lessened fear. Too much anger though, would cause one to act irrational. He waited until he was sure the rest were ready, aimed the zat'nikatel, and started firing.

The first shot was Jorda's cue, and she too started firing. She aimed at the closest Jaffa and quickly fired twice. She winced slightly when a third shot missed her target, but hit a falling Jaffa. Fear was getting stronger as a Jaffa started advancing to her position. Her hand trembled slightly as she fired twice at him. The first shot missed, but the second hit him in the chest. Determined, she was about to fire again, but saw a shot from Lantash's position took him out. Then she ran.

Lantash had taken out the fifth Jaffa when he saw more Jaffa emerging from the trees. They had started firing at his and Jorda's position. Hoping she had left, Lantash took off.

Seeing the Jaffa come out of hiding, Saroosh (who had taken control for this mission to avenge Setta, and because it made the humans more comfortable) waited a moment longer to see if anymore came. Their plan to draw out any hiding Jaffa had so far worked. She started firing when it seemed that was all there was.

The fifteen Jaffa felt confidant at first. Six advanced towards the two who attacked the five. Nine stayed stood their ground, and they had been ordered to guard the Chaapa'ai at all cost. They started firing through the forest, knowing their only chance was to take out the enemy first. A few of the smaller trees fell through the forest after being hit. Thirteen dead Jaffa later, and the last two attempted to flee. One tried to go through the forest, and one started dialing out. Neither made it.

Lantash waited several minutes, waiting for any sign of more Jaffa. Once he was sure all the Jaffa were gone, Lantash came out into the clearing. He started firing at the Jaffa's bodies. Most disappeared, but one who had only been stunned was now dead. Afterwards he gave Martouf control.

Martouf looked around, waiting for the others to come. He was worried they had been killed. The others started coming as well, one by one, but did they all make it?

Jorda came out first, and Rorn/Aldwin was soon after her.

Where are the others?

Pekon approached. "Ow." His arm was burned, and it appeared a staff weapon fire had grazed it.

"Where are Tur and Selmak?" Martouf asked.

Pekon shrugged lightly, cradling his arm. "I don't know." His pained eyes turned to worry.

As if to answer Martouf's question, a limping Saroosh and a helping Tur came from the forest.

Martouf's eyes swept over her for signs of burns, but found none.

"What happened," Aldwin asked, who must have done the same.

The voice confirmed that Saroosh was in control. "One of the Jaffa hit a tree, and it fell on my leg."

"But I got him," Tur said proudly, and smiled to Saroosh.

Saroosh smiled in return. "Apparently, I was good bait."

Martouf smiled, glad that everyone was alive.

Tur's eyes found Jorda and Pekon as his face became serious again. "I think we humans need to discuss our future." He then turned to Martouf. "I know you are Tok'ra now, but you are still Kiron, and should be part of the discussion."

Martouf nodded, smiling more, pleased he was still accepted by his people.

To be continued...

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