The Choice

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"Please," Setta said, "just tell us how you plan to inform Bastet."

"I can't," Martouf replied.


"No! I'm not answering any more of your questions. I've betrayed my goddess as it is. I can only pray that she forgives me for listening to you, and for telling you anything."

Saroosh/Selmak entered the room, and when she spoke it was clear that Selmak was in control. "Setta, Lantash, if he doesn't answer, then we need to leave now. Bastet might have already been informed."

Rorm/Aldwin also walked in, but what surprised Martouf was he came through the front door. He must have left through the back door. "Someone just came through the Chaapa'ai." Aldwin was in control.

"Who?" Selmak asked.

"I believe a Jaffa."

All three glanced to Martouf.

"They were going to tell the Jaffa," Lantash said, and Martouf wondered when he took control. "Or they already told Bastet, and he is one of several more to come."

"We need to leave now," Selmak repeated. "If he is just one Jaffa, we should be able to make it to the Chaapa'ai without too much of a problem."

Martouf was surprised that the Jaffa came half a day early.

"How many people realize he came through," Selmak asked.

"I don't know if anyone knows," Aldwin answered. "They were starting to form a search party for Martouf. They already questioned me on his disappearance. I'm sure they plan to head here soon."

They were distracted with each other, and Martouf took this chance to run away. He felt less victorious when they didn't bother to stop him, but still was glad to get away. He decided to head to the Goddess Ring, find this Jaffa, and tell him everything.

He was a bit out of breath when he arrived at the forest, and slowed down to catch it. As he arrived closer to the Chaapa'ai, he heard the sound of a staff weapon. He ducked down, and though fearful, continued to move forward. He stopped when he saw the Jaffa, Eush, Marrow, and Yirp. Marrow was dead, and he watched Yirp and Eush shot down as well.

Martouf froze in fear.

The Jaffa took out a ball, and Lady Bastet's face came on it. "Lady Bastet, I've just been informed that there are three Tok'ra here. They plan to leave soon, but for now, they are staying at one of the farms."

"Be sure the Tok'ra cannot be warned that we are coming."

"I have my lady. The informants have been destroyed."

"What is the status of the naquadah?"

"They won't come near to making the quota."

"Very well. I'll send in reinforcements. Destroy everyone."


Martouf's eyes widened as the Goddess Ring started to activate again. More Jaffa would be coming. The Tok'ra had been right.

to be continued...

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