The Tok'ra

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All day Martouf was very nervous. They had snuck back into the house without their parents knowing. He woke up, and worked the mines. He worried at the idea of being approached by one of the new gods. As the day passed, they didn't come, and he became more anxious. He stayed later at the mines than normal because of this fear.

His father stayed later as well, and Martouf thought they'd be walking home together. He was wrong though.

"You need to go home," his father said. "Your Mother is going to be worried."

"Father, I would like to continue working at the mines."

"It's getting too dark. Return home."


"Go home, Martouf."

Martouf bit his lower lip softly, and then nodded. "Yes, Father." He packed up his things, and then started walking home. He felt a shiver as he walked home alone, and it wasn't because it was cold.

"Martouf, isn't it?" said the voice of the young female, and she spoke with her deep voice, the scary voice.

Martouf froze. "Y-yes." He turned around, and saw that all three of them were there. A lump formed in his throat.

"Do you normally spy on visitors?" the other female asked.

His heart was pounding his ribs, and yet he couldn't move or speak.

"We are not your enemy, Martouf," Lantash said. "Nor are we gods."

Martouf was still speechless at first, but finally managed, "I-if you are-are n-not gods, th-then how d-do y-y-you know what I th-think?"

"We heard you last night, and followed. You were a bit loud in your opinion of us."

"What we don't understand," Selmak continued, "is why you didn't tell anyone else what you heard. That does make us...wonder."

"You wouldn't be planning to tell Bastet of our visit, would you?" Aldwin finished.

"Uh, no, no, that wouldn't even be poss-possible. She isn't coming for moons. Two full m-moons, she won't be coming. There isn't any way she could be informed before then. N-not any way."

All three of them seemed to frown.

Martouf made a nervous laugh.

"We are going back to the house provided for us," Selmak said. "You are coming with us."


"You heard her," Lantash said, and then gestured in the direction they would be going.

Martouf was wide eyed the entire walk there. He kept hoping he'd pass by someone who would see him with them, but not this late. As he entered the house, we saw the corner he spied from was blocked, and the window was finished and closed.

He sat down in one of the chairs. The other two went into another room in the house while Lantash stayed. "We just want to know what you heard us say." She stood near him, looking down at him. Looking very serious, suddenly she didn't seem so young anymore.

"Uh, well..." Martouf looked to her. "Names."


"You lied about your names."

"Oh, no, we did not. Setta is the name of my host. I am a..." She seemed to pause in thought. "Well, I'm a symbiote who lives within Setta. My name is Lantash. Setta is the one you spoke with when we first met."

Martouf was curious about that. "She doesn't mind sharing her body?"

"No. You may speak with her." She nodded her head, and spoke again. This time her voice was normal. "Hello, Martouf. We don't mean to scare you. That is why the others in are the other room. We just need to know what you know."

"You'll let me go then?"

"After you've told me everything you heard us say."

", well, how would you know I told you everything? I'm just...w-wondering."

"Because you are a horrible liar."


Setta pulled up a chair, and sat down. "Just tell us what you know, and you can go."

Martouf still believed they were some sort of god, and wondered if telling them what he heard would be betraying Bastet. However, not telling them might be a bad choice. "You don't seem to like Bastet."

"This is true."

"She is our goddess."

Setta nodded and her eyes glowed. "She is a parasite."

Martouf jumped a little. "Lantash?"


"You are..angry?"

Lantash frowned slightly. "Why do you say that?"

"Your eyes glowed. Lady Bastet's eyes only glow when she is angry at us for failing her in some way."

"My eyes glow whenever I take control, however, you are correct, the eye-glow of a symbiote also connects to strong emotion."

"Oh...uh, what did you mean, she is a parasite?"

"She is a creature like myself-"

I knew it, Martouf thought. These people are also gods.

"...however our similarity is only physical," Lantash continued. "She does not share the body with her host. She took over the host without permission, and controls her."

Martouf had no idea to respond.

"You may think of her as your god, but in truth, you are just slaves to her. When you fail to deliver the right amount of naquadah again, she will most likely destroy you and everyone you know."

Martouf didn't like hearing this. This was his goddess the woman was talking about!

Lantash stood up. "What else did you hear?"

"You are something called Tok'ra."

"That is all?"

Martouf squirmed in his seat.

"What else did you hear?"

"You considered using Lady Bastet's timed arrival to your advantage. That's it."

"That's it?"


Lantash paced a few steps. "How do you plan to inform Bastet about us?"

Martouf's eyes widened.

"How do you plan to inform Bastet about us?" Lantash repeated.

Martouf bit his lower lip. "Can I talk to Setta?"

Lantash looked a little surprised, and bowed her head. The Setta-voice returned. "Yes, Martouf?"

Martouf felt safer when she was in control, and therefore, felt braver. "How do you think we could possibly contact her?"

"I don't know. That is why we need to find out."

"My family will know I am missing."

Setta smiled. "We realize that. You can return to them as soon as you answer the question."

Martouf didn't respond.

"If you don't tell us, then we'll have to leave tonight. We won't be able to return. Bastet will come, and if you don't have the proper tribute, she will kill you and everyone in this town. If you trust us though, we can help you, and you can finally stop being slaves."

Martouf frowned slightly. He had no idea what to say. He had two choices. He could keep quiet, and they would leave. However, if they spoke the truth, he and everyone he cared about would die. The other choice was to tell them the truth, and he'd be betraying his family, his friends, and his goddess.

To be continued...

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