Trapped Inside The Mind

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January 10, 2016, Tokyo

Meanwhile, Mikoto, Joker Kamijou, and Index Card were sitting in a house.

"Why did we pick this one?" Index Card whined. "These people didn't have any food!"

"They have a bunch of food." Mikoto contradicted, gesturing to the cabinets and fridge filled with vegetables.

"But I can't live rabbit food!" Index Card huffed. "I'm a warrior!"

"You so got that from Supernatural."

"Well, you already ate the owners of the house." Joker Kamijou pointed out. "So you're stuck with rabbit food."

Index Card sighed. "I'll just starve then... or..." She looked at Joker Kamijou.

"If you do it, I'll tear out you're other eye." Joker Kamijou deadpanned.

"Yay! Food!" Index Card grinned.

"Deck the halls with guts and entrails, fa la la la la, la la la la!" Mikoto sang as she looked at the Christmas tree that was still up.

"Oh no..." Joker Kamijou muttered.

"It's beginning to look a lot like murder! All around the house!"

"Jingle bells, corpses smell, but they taste really good!" Index Card joined in. "Oh what fun it is to dine on a body in the sun! Hey!"

Joker Kamijou shrugged. "Eh, what the heck. Joker the red mouthed clown! Had a very white face! And if you ever saw it! You'd be murdered with a mace!"

"That sounds fun..." Mikoto said wistfully.

However, this wasn't Mikoto.

The real Mikoto was trapped inside her mind.

"Hello!" Mikoto yelled as she walked down the street. "Anyone!? Where are you!?"

She was in a place that looked like a mix of Academy City and Gotham City... it had all the advanced technology, however the buildings were Gotham's. There were jumbo screens everywhere.

Mikoto looked up at a jumbo screen, and saw out of Clown Princess's eyes as she sang the horrid Christmas song.

"NO!!" She yelled. "WHO ARE YOU!? GET OUT OF MY BODY!!"

"Good luck with that." A familiar voice snorted.

Mikoto whirled around, and her eyes lit up as she saw Alfred.

"Alfred!" She yelled, relief washing over her. "How did you-"

"I'm not Alfred." 'Alfred' interrupted. "I'm just a figure made of your emotions."

"What?" Mikoto frowned.

"You see," 'Alfred' began. "You have different emotional aspects in your mind... Love, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Joy, Humor, Hate, Sense, Insanity, Intelligence - even though it isn't an emotion -and Courage. Each one takes a certain form with the appearance of the person that makes you feel that certain emotion, or that you think has that certain aspect."

"So... who are you?"

"I'm Sense." He replied. "Because Alfred is one of the most sensible people you know."

"What about Bruce?"

"That's Courage." Sense answered. "Because Bruce is one of the bravest people you know."

"Who's the others?" Mikoto asked.

"Anger is Shizuri, because she's one of the angriest people you know, Sadness is Kuroko, because you're sad about her death, Fear is one of the Misaka Sisters, because the experiment scared the crap out of you," He was counting off his fingers. "Joy is Gekota, because you have an obses-"

"No I don't!" Mikoto turned red. "I don't care about some stupid toy frog!"

Sense met her gaze with a blank stare. "Sure." He said sarcastically. "Anyway, Humor is Dick, because you think he's hilarious, Hate is Aleister Crowley for obvious reasons, Intelligence is Barbara because she's super smart, and Love used to be Touma... but now it's Damian, because he's your favorite brother."

"Hey!" Mikoto protested. "I love all my brothers the same!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He shrugged.

"So... how do I get out of here?" Mikoto asked after the information had sunk in.

"You have to beat Insanity." Sense replied. "She's the one controlling your body right now... Touma's torture drove you to an extremely vulnerable state, and she was able to take control."

"How do I beat Insanity?"

"Well... I have no idea." Sense answered honestly. "But Intelligence will. I know that for sure. She knows everything about everything... well, everything that's humanly possible to know, anyway... she doesn't know the secret to the Universe or anything like that because humans aren't supposed to know that, but she is twice as smart as Stephen Hawking."

"So what are we waiting for!?" Mikoto grabbed Sense's hand. "Let's go!"

"Uh, Mikoto, she's this way." Sense pointed in the opposite direction of where Mikoto was headed.

Mikoto smiled sheepishly. "Oh... hehe, right..."

As they were walking, Mikoto looked at jumbo screens, and felt anger pulsing through her. Insanity lived up to her name... she could her murdering innocent people.

"That bastard..." Mikoto murdered.

An unknown amount of time later, they were in front of what looked like STAR Labs.

"Ladies first." Sense said, standing back so Mikoto could go in front of him.

"Thanks." Mikoto said.

As they walked in, they saw Barbara- although, she was Intelligence, really - sitting in front of a machine.

"Okay, so if I mix the sodium with this potassium, then..." She was muttering to herself.

"Hey, Intelligence." Sense greeted. Intelligence turned around, and blinked at Mikoto.

"You're the former control station of this body, correct?" She asked.

Mikoto nodded.

"And we need to figure out a way for her to reclaim it." Sense explained.

Intelligence was silent, before gesturing the pair to follow her.

"Hey, have you ever noticed that the letter 'J' isn't anywhere on the Periodic Table of The Elements?' Intelligence inquired. "Because it's true."

"Oh." Mikoto blinked. "So... How am I supposed to beat Insanity?"

Intelligence grinned. "You have to fight her... To the death."

Sense frowned. "Well that's violent."

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