Home Alone (Twinnin' Version)

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A/N Note: This isn't featuring any FV video because I am too lazy to do research on one of the videos for this, xx.

Y/N's POV;

Did you know watching Home Alone, Scream series, and other horror movies before your family goes on a trip without you is a bad idea?

..Well, now I know.


"..And Oreo eats everyday at 7am, 12:30pm, and 6pm." Mom reminds me as she closes up her suitcase.

"Mhm." I hum mindlessly, laying on her bed with my legs hanging off the edge. I stared at the ceiling in boredom as she made me stay and listen to her reminders for the third time. "And why isn't Chase hearing this?"

Mom sighs and looks to me, looking slightly annoyed. Before she can reply, dad walks in the room while cleaning his glasses with his shirt. He replied before mom can. "Because you're 10 minutes older!" He says jokingly and chuckles at the end, moving around the room and getting random things to put in his suitcase.

I gasp in fake shock and sit up as I put a hand over my chest. "How dare you use that against me?" I respond in a joking hurt tone.

Dad chuckles again and smacks his things into his bag, being very unorganized. Mom sighs and helps dad put his things in his suitcase as she continues. "And Callie needs a bath la-" 

"Later at 10am, I know, and Ollie shouldn't be able to go out or else he will need a bath too." I interrupt her and cross my arms, looking at her knowingly. 

I smiled in slight irritation and tilt my head, something about my look saying 'I'm getting tired of hearing this.'

Mom sighed and shook her head. "Alright then." She mumbles, figuring I did indeed know what to do when they leave.

They finish packing up and the three of us went down; Shawn, Mike, and Lex already waiting on the couch. Chase was also there but using his VR headset.

Mom and dad went up to the others on the couch while I glance to Chase with an idea in mind. I quickly sneak up from behind and give him a small scare to get his attention. He shrieks somewhat high-pitched and takes his headset off, scowling at me slightly.

I stick my tongue out at him and go back to the couch, sitting down with Chase following in suit. I sat next to Shawn and Chase on my other side. Mom starts to speak.

"Okay. Everyone ready to leave?" She glances to the others, and they nod. "Yessiree!" "Yep." "Mhm." 

Mom nods back and looks back to me and Chase. "Chase, Y/N, make sure to do this right. Don't open the door for anyone, stay in the house, take care of the dogs, and do-"

"Don't spend our money without asking, we know." Me and Chase say in unison, already knowing what mom was about to say. 

Ever since me and Chase's 10th birthday (when he spent his money, get it?) mom and dad always made sure to talk about it and remind us at least once a month not to do it, no matter how long its been. But hey, could you blame them? I sure can't.

Mom sighed as Dad chuckled. Dad came forward and kissed both of our foreheads, before Shawn, Lex, and Mike embraced us in a huge hug. Me and Chase were somewhat smushed, but we dealt with it and hugged them back.

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