chapter 14

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and so, it begins.  Anthony, Sam and I are standing Infront of the new and improved Miyagi Do run by of course Mr Larusso. The night that Mr Larusso came to us to discuss the new dojo, we spent hours talking about what Miyagi Do was and how we were going to take over all of the students at Cobra Kai. 

"Y/NNNN darling please could you pass the water bottle" Anthony says as we walk out of the driveway after a long day of building and cleaning. 

"Seriously you two! so much for not rubbing in the heartbreak from Miguel, AND TO MAKE IT WORSE YOU TWO ARE STILL 'FRIENDS' " Sam cries out.

Me and Mr Larusso look at each other and laugh as Sam and Anthony have one of their daily sibling fights. Of course Sam drags him to the ground eventually.

Anthony and I decided that we were going to go back dreadfully to my father's today to collect my stuff. He had constantly been texting me while drunk telling me how much of a "disappointment" I was and so I realised it was best to completely remove myself from his home until everything had calmed down. 

As we drove down the drive to his flat, we came across him and Miguel having a laugh over a lemonade and beer and part of my heart ached. For so long I had wished for the relationship with my father like Miguel had with him. It hurt seeing Johnny put in a lot of work with that relationship but was so quick to quit on ours. I mean I know he's banging Miguels mum but still. 

"well well well, if it isn't little miss daddy issues" Johnny drunkenly spits.

"Don't worry, I aint here for long. Just collecting what's rightfully mine and then disappearing completely out of your life dad. Actually, both of your life's" 

Oh, had I said that ever since Miguel cheated on Sam that I hadn't spoken or texted him ever since? It's been hard dodging him and his texts, the poor boy bikes past the Larusso's every day just to see if there was anyone he could find to talk to.

Miguel looked at Anthony and I sadly and led Johnny into his flat because he knew that my father would just make the situation harder than it already is.

*Two hours later*

The room that I had once longingly found shelter in was now bare, almost how my mind was when I had first arrived. 

Through the two hours Anthony and I laughed about baby pictures of me we found, and he even held me tight every time I wept when finding another item that belonged to my mother. Not having her and now not having my father it's almost as if my heart had just shattered into tiny pieces. Never would I wish this pain on my worst enemy.

Of course, after a crappy morning Anthony took me to get Mint chip ice cream- my favourite. He completely knew the way to my heart when he got me my favourite things and honestly. I loved it. Anthony was a complete swiftie too thankfully, so we blasted her all afternoon long.

I was so in love with this boy, but I knew that I couldn't just blurt out all of my feelings at once because they would just come out in a big lump of miscommunication and mixed feelings, and if Hawk found out that Anthony and I were dating he would definitely have something to say about it. 

*The next day*

I dreaded Mondays. Just something about having a good weekend then all of a sudden, the mood gets completely switched off because you have to see the people you really don't like at that moment, Mine was Hawk, Miguel and that Bi#$! Tory.

Walking the halls during our fourth period with Sam and thankfully we hadn't seen any of them all day, that was until we walked around the corner.

There was Miguel making out with Tory and Hawk was facing his back towards us so I could see that he was stalking my socials, remind me to remove him off that later on. 

Sam and I cleared our throats and that scared Miguel because he jumped and quickly moved away from Tory when he saw who it was.

"No fuc*#&^ way. Miguel, you said you wanted to fix our relationship and that you would never see Tory again if that meant you would get me back as a girlfriend and Y/N back as a friend" Sam stated knowingly.

"sam i-i it's not what it looks like" Miguel says as he pulls her away to talk to her in private.

And so that leaves me with an angry Tory and a sad weirdo Hawk who was already standing up to grab onto my waist. 

"Get your filthy hands off me Eli" I yell but quiet enough to not disturb the classes around and land myself yet another detention for loud disruptions. 

He gets up, looks at Tory and then....

I witness the most gruelling and most disgusting thing in the whole entire world, Tory and Hawk full blown making out right Infront of me. I knew nothing else to do but Facetime Miguel and mute him so I could show him what actually was going on. Safe to say Miguel and Sam were as grossed out as I was.

 Sam and Miguel laugh and hold hands as they exit their private place. Tory saw red, she started swinging at Sam until I stood Infront of her and started swinging back at Tory. I yanked her hair out and started punching the crap outta her nose until she started swinging back at me again. By now everyone in the school had heard about the fight and they were all witnessing it. Sam flew in and full-on body slammed into Tory which knocked her out for a good minute while we made a game plan. I was going for her if she threw her fists again and Sam was on making sure Hawk stayed down on the ground. The last thing I needed was for him to come in here too.

But then I hear the voice I didn't want to hear. Anthony Larusso's.

"Y/N please"

I focus on him and all of a sudden, I black out.

* Time jump- 5pm"

All afternoon, Anthony and I had been cuddled up on his bed after a tiring day at school.

"I'm sorry about the fight. I just was so furious at her for everything she has ruined. She can't just start to fight my best friend and get away with It Anthony, you have to understand that". 

It turns out that Tory had punched me in the back of the head, and I blacked out. Anthony carried me out of the school while Miguel dragged Sam all the way back home. Thank gosh Sam and Miguel were back; she can stop complaining now about the way Anthony and I are friends.

*Anthony POV*

She looked so pretty lying here in my arms. I need to tell her. I am going to tell her.

"Y/N. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you, I knew that you were going to be the best thing in my life. Your personality just fits perfectly into mine and it's so weird and the boys always pick on me for it, but I have been wanting to kiss your perfect lips since day one. It was so hard knowing that you were friends with my sister and sitting downstairs in my kitchen while I was up here daydreaming about the life that I want. the life I want with you. You are my reason, why I wake in the morning and why I come home from school every evening. -"

She silences me by kissing my lips. I never want this moment to end, I don't want to lose this warm feeling of her perfect lips on mine.

"And so, I suppose it's only right to ask you now. Y/N, will you be my Girlfriend?"


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hey guyssss! I am so sorry for the very long-awaited next chapter. I had completely forgotten about this story and even this website but that is of course no excuse! I hope you have all been well and enjoyed this chapter, trust me I'm back in my writing era so there will be many more to come. 

Thank you for sticking it and if you have any idea, please of course message me or comment bellow!!!

-Phoebe <3

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