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Later when alone, Uther took his horse and secretly went into the forest towards The Valley of The Fallen Kings. He got down from his horse and waited for someone to come. From the mist came out a young man with light green eyes and dark hair. He wore a long black robe, covering his entire body and he had the hood on.

"Welcome Mordred." Uther stated.

"What does the king fancy in me?" The young man asked.

"I have a work for you."

"What will I get from it? I still don't understand when you kill all wizards why spare me?"

"Because you are the only one who I don't feel is a threat."

"Ofcourse, you have raised me away from everyone else."

"So, will you do the work I have for you?"

"And what is that?"

"Tomorrow I plan to have a ceremony in which the queen's crown will be tried on all the eligible women in and around my kingdom. You do know what had happened to the crown?"

"Ofcourse I do."

"What I want you to do is capture however the crown fits and take her to the old castle till I arrive."

"Won't that be your son's destined bride?"

"That bride so happens to be the greatest sorceress to ever walk the earth! And I don't want any of those warlocks near my son."

"What should I do with her? My power isn't strong enough to even touch her."

"Keep her tied in those magical chains of yours."

"What will you do to her?"

"That's nothing of your concern." Uther replied and than he went back to the castle.

The next day as by the command of the king all the eligible women of Camelot had gathered in the castle court room for the trial. All Arthur could do was pray that the crown fits Merlin.

One by one the women came and tried the crown but it fit no one. All the women tried the crown and after about five hours there was no result. Uther shook his head in sorrow and then his eyes fell on Merlin who was standing there beside Gaius in the corner.

"You give it a go." Uther commanded and everyone looked at Merlin.

She came forward and sat down on the chair for the trial. Uther hoped for some result and to everyone's suprise the crown fit Merlin's head. Uther was suprised at the results while Arthur was delighted to find out that Merlin is destined bride. Merlin was also delighted to know that she would marry Arthur.

Everyone applauded to the future king and queen of Camelot but Uther was all the more shocked to realise that he had kept the greatest sorceress to ever walk the earth as the servant of his son when he wanted them to be away.

In his anger Uther stood up. Everyone looked at him.

"I will not have the greatest sorceress to ever walk the earth as the bride for my son!" He yelled.

"Oh dear." Gaius said.

"What?" Was the reaction on everyone's face. Aithusa, who hid behind the curtains looked worried as she knew what could happen. She flew away from there and went straight to the cave where Kilgharrah was chained.

Back in the castle no one understood what Uther meant.

"Father, what do you mean?" Morgan asked.

"She is a warlock. A sorceress!" Uther replied

QUEEN OF DRAGONS       [BBC MERLIN] MERTHURWhere stories live. Discover now