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Y/n didn't have the best life.

Fuck that, y/n had quite a messed up life. The worst part? She didn't deserve it at all.

When y/n was younger, she was the perfect daughter. She had an amazing family, even though few of the siblings were adopted, they loved each other like their own. She loved her parents whole heartedly and never upset them. She followed every single rule. She was great at studies and extracurriculars. All the teachers loved her. Everyone loved her. She was one of the kindest people ever. She was the type of girl who would give up her lunches to feed stray dogs. She was the type of girl to stand up to bullies, and she most definitely was the type of girl who was friends with everyone. And not the type of friend you'd say hi to. She was the type of friend who would gift hand made gifts during birthdays. Even though she wasn't popular, she was loved by everyone. She had the perfect family, loving parents, and three overprotective brothers. Could life get any better?

Spoiler alert, it could not. The day before y/n was turning 10, y/n had been called to the schools office and was asked to go home early. When she exited the school building she'd seen two of her brothers sitting in the car waiting for her. They looked petrified. She got into the backseat immediately questioning why they were there. But no one seemed to answer her question. Long story short they drove to the hospital. Turns out her parents had gotten into a fatal car accident. They got into an accident while getting her a gift. After waiting for about 13 hours, her parents were pronounced dead. On her birthday. No one really bothered wishing her, due to the horrible tragedy. Everything fucking hurt. Since her older brothers were already 20 and 18 they decided to take custody of each of the other two siblings, her and the youngest brother who was about 13 at that time.

The two of her older brothers ended up raising them, but that of course came with it's own issues. Her brothers seem thrive. They achieved everything they could, wanting to make their parents proud. Y/n on the other hand? She fell into a deep spiral of issues. By the time she was 14 she was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Her grades dropped down. Her cheery personality turned dull. And all that went through her mind was that her parents had died because of her. She'd gotten addicted to her anxiety medication. So much so that she had to take a pill every hour. Eventually her addiction worsened, she took every drug that she could get her hands on, she stayed out late, drinking, smoking, doing all sorts of things. It had gotten so bad that at one point her brothers had to put her into rehab.

Once she was out she decided to move out even though she was 19, not wanting to burden her brothers. They tried stopping her but nothing seemed to work. She'd made up her mind. She was going to work for herself. At the age of 21 she eventually ended up meeting a guy who would end up being her long time boyfriend. When she first met Brad he was sweet. He listened to all of her problems. He helped her out. He was always there for her. Her past didn't bother him one bit. She went back to being her cheery, happy, loving self again. And she loved that. He would always shower her with love and gifts, but if y/n knew what a mess their relationship would turn into, she wouldn't have gotten into it. An year into the relationship, Brad lifted his hands on y/n for the first time. She left him. For a month. He kept pleading for her to come back, claiming that it was a mistake. That he was drunk and upset. He promised it wouldn't happen again. So she went back. Even though her brothers were upset that she did, she loved him. Loved being the key word. She didn't know if she still wasn't in love with him. But she couldn't just leave him? He was there for her at her lowest, now it was her turn to return the favor. She couldn't leave him.

An: I know most people won't be reading this, but I just wanted to let yall know that this is my first time writing, so it may not be good :) Also English isn't really my first language, so feel free to correct me Grammer!


𝙉𝙤𝙫𝙖𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙚- 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now