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Kenny sat at the bar looking down at his keys. He hadn't been having the best day.

He was so caught up with his training and filming that he didn't get the time to take a moment for himself. Between filming a video for his channel and also filming one with the betasquad, he had forgotten that he'd promised his friends that he'd join them at the club. So here he was siting at the bar, fully exhausted. He quickly glanced at his friends, they seemed to have been having fun at the dance floor with a few other girls. His eyelids felt heavy and honestly he would rather do anything else other than be there. But he already cancelled on niko once, so he didn't really have a choice. 

"Would you like something to drink? You look like you've had a rough day, but don't worry i make the meanest drinks ever." he heard a womans voice say.

"An old fashioned please" Kenny replied.

"Whiskey or bourbon? Wait let me guess....whiskey?" who was this girl, and why did she talk so much? All he wanted to do is gulp down his drink and relax. He wasn't in the mood for chit chat.

Kenny looked up at her, annoyed. But all of his annoyance melted away the second his eyes met hers. She was bloody gorgeous. But it wasn't the beauty that caught his attention. It was her goddamn smile. It was the way the her eyes developed bags under them. It was the shape her lips formed. It was her dimlpes. Her  smile lines. It was every thing about that goddamn smile. What was going on? He would have blamed it on the alcohol, but he didn't have much to drink. He'd never felt anything like this before. Ofcourse he had found other women attractive before, but this, this was different. He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when he heard her speak.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, tilting her head slightly as her brows knit together. God damn.

"Uh yea- sorry, whiskey." Kenny stated.

Kenny's pov.

"Haha guessed it!" She said as a bright smile grew on her face, displaying all her teeth. I felt my heart flutter for the first time ever. Her voice sounded angelic. How did I ever find it annoying? I could listen to her talk all day. I don't even know this woman and I'm already whipped.

She spun around grabbing the whiskey and pouring it into the drink, the way she moved around, it looked like she was dancing. I wanted to stare at her making drinks forever. She had a certain flow, a certain elegance that had me drawn to her. She wore a flowy mini dress with floral patterns on them. Which bartender wears dresses like that? I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I just couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, it felt like we were magnets, and I was just attracted to her.

"Here. Taste it, I bet you'll love it!" She handed over the drink and leaned over the counter, staring at me waiting for a response. I maintained eye contact as I brought the glass up to my lips. It was fucking amazing.

"Damn what did you mix in this? It tastes incredible!" I said offering a huge grin.

"There's the smile I hoped to see! I knew it was hiding somewhere under!" She said, making me shake my head. This woman.

"Are you usually like this?" I asked.

"Like what?"
"All sunshine and rainbowy. You're like a golden retriever puppy."
"Not really. You just give me good energy. I think we'll end up being good friends."

"Wow, already? I dont even know your name. Why do you think we'd be friends?" I said chuckling lightly

"Well, my names y/n l/n, and considering you haven't hit on me yet, I'd say you're a good guy." She said as she grabbed a beer to hand over to another customer.

"Thanks, my names Kenny my the way."

"Yea I know." She replied.


"Well I've seen you lot come in a couple of times. You seem to be quite famous actually. Im surprised youre not out there dancing with your friends like you usually do!" This woman was here the entire time. And I never once looked at her? How haven't I ever noticed her before? I feel like I would've been able to spot her from miles away.

She placed her hand on the beer bottle and attempted to open the bottle cap using her ring. But she seemed to have hurt herself.

"Ow. Shit that hurt." She said frowning a little. So cute.

"Have you ever heard of a bottle opener?" I asked her, attempting to mess around. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth while she laughed hysterically.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed through her laughs. I could've listen to her laugh all day. It was music to my ears Once the laughter seemed to have died down, she removed her ring and placed it on the table, probably because her finger hurt. I wish I could do something to stop her finger from hurting. I wanted to get her number. I needed to get her number. I couldn't possibly be with a woman like her. She's too good for me. But I just can't let her go. And I know for a fact that if I don't get it, I won't be able to get her out of my mind.

"Hey uh- do you mind-"
"Y/N CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND!" Someone, who I assume is the manager, yelled out. She hurried over to him and and helped him unload a box of bottles. I waited for her to be done so I could get her number but unfortunately the next thing the manager said was that she was done with her shift and that she could go home. That's it? This is the last time I'll see her?  I watched as she untied the apron and handed it over to the mamager before making a beeline to the exit. And that's when I saw it.

There was a huge fucking bruise on her back.


Short chapter, I promise it gets better 😭.

Word count: 1045

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