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The day had gone horribly for Kenny. It was 1:03 am and Kenny and his friends were sitting in the ER, waiting for them to be called on. Kenny gripped his forearm trying not to scream due to the excruciating pain, while the other boys tried to control their laughter. Absolute fucking bullshit. It had probably been a week since Kenny had seen Y/n. At first, he didn't think much of it, after all, she was just a random girl, right? Wrong. Kenny couldn't get her out of his head no matter how hard he tried. He often found himself repeating her name ''Y/n L/n" just to feel the mere bliss of it roll off his tongue. In his opinion everything after that day had been shit. The boys wondered what put him in such a horrible mood. They wondered why Kenny stopped flirting with the female fans who approached him. But Kenny didn't utter a word. Now you may wonder, what happened? Why are they at the hospital? Right?



"Welcome back to another sidemen Sunday everyone! Today We've got the betasquad joining us as we compete to see which squad is more athletic, and in other words, which group is shite and which group is not." Ksi said as he nudged Chunkz.

"This is really unfair you guys, the only athletic guy in our group is Kenny, and he rigged his last boxing match so we aren't even sure if he's actually good. Plus he's been in a pissy mood for the past few days." Niko said looking at the camera.

"Shut up Niko, or else I swear to god I will sock you." Kenny replied, rolling his eyes.

"Come on boys let's not be so salty I'm sure we can work through this as reasonable adults. Well everyone except Kenny." Aj said, trying to take a piss out of him. The entire group erupted in laughter making Kenny want to actually kill himself.


"Kenny, are you alright?" Niko asked.

"Do I fucking look alright to you Niko? I need you to take one good look at me and then answer the question. You absolute idiot."

"Alright mate, there's no need to get aggressive, I was just checking up on you." Niko says as he raises his hands in surrender, clearly trying to mock Kenny.

So essentially what happened was that Kenny had been carrying the betasquad single handedly during the entire challenge. And of course, due to the sidemen outweighing them, Kenny already had enough. During the indoor rock climbing challenge Niko for some reason thought it would be a good idea to jump on Kenny's back, which ultimately resulted in a hilarious clip for the channel as well as a dislocated arm. To make things worse for Kenny, Niko proceeded to put the blame on Kenny because "He's a boxer, he should be strong enough to hold my weight." It also took them a really long time to reach due to traffic. And of course out of all days for some reason, the sidemen decided that, they wanted to film that Sunday's video, at night.

"Come on Niko don't annoy him, you're the reason we're here you bimbo." Chunkz said. Since everyone couldn't accompany Kenny, they decided to have Chunkz, JJ, Simon, Niko, and Sharky go along. Bringing Niko was definitely a bad idea.

Kenny closed his eyes as he leaned his head backwards against the wall, banging his head against the wall again and again, cursing himself for being in this state. What a shitty week he'd had. While Kenny was busy reminiscing about how he wished his life would just go back to how it was the day before the club, he felt a presence near him. He didn't want to be weird, so he just kept his eyes shut, even though he wanted to take a peek at whoever sat beside him.


His stomach flipped. He felt his heart beat faster. And his mouth seemed to have gotten dry. There's no way. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards his left. Those eyes. He could easily recognise them from a mile away. The second he looked at her all the pain from his body disappeared. She had to be some sort of angel or blessing sent by god. How could someone completely take hold of him, so easily? Although he wished he could just stare into her eyes forever he quickly noticed her face, which seemed to have blood smeared all over it. She wore a black hoodie, which seemed unusual. She looked horrible. It didn't ruin a beauty tho. She still looked like a statue carved out by god himself. But she looked horrible. She had mascara running down her cheeks. Blood smeared everywhere. Her hair was messy. And she was hyperventilating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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