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Mahi felt his head going to burst from anger as he look at the boy with same height staring at him nervously.

"did something? You say, what did you do yesterday?"

He look at virat who was is currently making face while pressuring his brain but in the last he looked defeated as mahi took a deep breathe and again asked.

"where were you going yesterday?"

"to........drink?" virat said hesitantly as he watch mahi trying his best to control his anger. Damn! He must have did something bad, very bad otherwise mahi and anger are south and south, always repelling from each other not attracting.

"after that where were you going?" Virat closed his eyes for a second before opening it in happiness as he exclaimed.

"to you? I remember trying to find your room and I did, didn't I? I am just too much intelligent" Virat exclaimed back in happiness but he didn't notice mahi's surprised eyes as mahi again questioned him.

"you were coming to me? You were not thinking about anyone else?" virat sighed in relief as he chuckled while answering.

"how can I think of anyone else when you are the one who occupy my mind 24/7"

Mahi blinked before he open his mouth to say something but someone opened the door as jassi came inside.

"virat bhai, Rohit bhai and others are calling for you and mahi bhai, you have a phone call"

"coming" Virat went happily while jassi just keep looking at mahi bhai before he also followed virat. He knew jassi's eyes were flickering over both of them but mahi was too much in shock to even say anything.

"finding me. Last night............he was thinking of me.......not of anyone else but me.........." Mahi mutter to himself as he went back to his room.


"how can I think of anyone else when you are the one who occupy my ming 24/7"

"how can I think of anyone else?"

"anyone else"

Mahi took another turn in his bed as he sighed out in defeat, knowing fully well, he isn't going to have any sleep tonight. He couldn't help but to think why him? Does virat wanted to kiss him?......................maybe virat took his admiration towards mahi as something else?..............but then why would he be so carefree? Maybe it was just a stupid dare......yeah, it must be a dare and virat might had needed guts for that so he thought of drinking....yeah, this must be.

Of course, mahi knows it is a lie.............a lie to keep his heart within limit and his mind calm................which didn't work for both of them. Though it is enough for now until it won't happen again or something like that won't happen again. It is lucky that he got his own room not the shared one with others.

Beside he should keep his mind empty for the sake of tonight's dinner where they all will be eating together and he is going to face virat again. It is not like virat will remember yesterday's night...................or will he?

.....................ARGH!! why is he thinking about this so much? Just forget it as a mistake?............yeah, a mistake.


"you were coming to me?"

"you were not thinking about anyone else?"

'I must had did something otherwise he wouldn't had asked these questions'

Virat thought about mahi's shocked face as he tries to remember about yesterday's night before his attention got caught by Rohit and jassi. Jassi was sitting on the chair while rohit was standing beside and listening to Jassi's talk as he lean down to peck on jassi's forehead making jassi's ears red before he again went back to continue talking nonchalantly making Rohit snicker.

'God! They two are going to mistaken for couple. Always kissing jassi' Virat scoffed as he again went to rewind yesterday's page until a certain thing caught his attention.

'always kissing each other'

" you mahi........mahi bhai"

"I 'm not a kiddo.'m a mature 'oy"

"not a 'ddo"

"fuck.......I.....just didn't"


Rohit look at virat who was whispering to himself until his widen and crybaby look came on his face as virat ran outside making rohit get up, he whispered something to jassi before going behind virat.


"what........what happened?" He notice virat flinch as he look at rohit nervously making rohit's heart clench as he went to virat and hugged him without any reason.

"what happened V? And don't say nothing cause something has happened and you aren't going anywhere before telling me" Rohit threatened before breaking the hug as he look at virat who eyes where glued at the ground making him sigh.

"what happened to the 'so called cheeku' who is always ready to talk, anytime, anywhere?" Rohit asked as virat answered.

"he fall in love"

"and...........who is that lucky person?" Rohit asked teasingly as virat look away before saying.

"mahi bhai is angry at me......I.....I was drunk last night.........I went to find mahi bhai.........and.........." And he does not need to say anymore as Rohit look at virat wide eyed before he breathe out.

"is that why mahi bhai is wearing turtle neck?" Virat didn't said anything but he didn't even deny it as Rohit face-palm before asking saying or more like asking.

"and you didn't remember the night until love mahi bhai............not like a brother?" Virat look at rohit before whispering out.

"I don't know......I.....I have never behaved like this before nor felt like this" Rohit notice Virat's confusion as he Sigh out while smiling. What could he do other than smiling when he has a best friend who first time fall in love and don't even know about it? He just pat on Virat's shoulder before saying.

"maybe you should confront mahi bhai rather than avoiding this talk...........not for the team but for yours and mahi bhai's sake too"

Rohit then went inside as he prayed to the god to make it good for everyone's sake since the least he could do is advice virat as it is upto virat to listen to the advice or not.

The only thing he could hope for is mahi bhai's and virat's happiness as he don't want to think what will happen if the 'sun of ICT' virat and 'pillar of ICT' mahi bhai, will break down?


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