Seven - My Time With Gayle

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I felt a sickness in my stomach that whole morning, which was somewhat lightened by the apple pie I had for breakfast. Somewhat. The image of Charlotte in my hands had shaken me, a nightmare repeating in my mind over and over. Even now, I could almost feel the last vestiges of her breath against my skin, her cold eyes staring into my very soul. I could feel my muscles tensing as I tightened my grip, her flesh feeling like playdough for me to mould as I pleased. As she opened her lips, I could feel her final scream echo from her mouth.

A blaring scream, carrying Charlotte's final words.


I shook my head, catching my breath. Only now did I notice that my Qubo was just a few inches over the STOP line. The other vehicle shot off down the road, a hand sticking out the side of the window and a single digit raised. I took in three deep breaths and let them out in turn, before taking the wheel again. I looked left and right at the junction, making sure I wouldn't have a run in with any other cars, then signalled to go right as per my sat nav's directions.

Looked like that that dream had affected me more than I thought – and I couldn't help but feel that Dr Eve was responsible for it in a way. I had no idea what happened in our last session, but seeing those images had really done a number on my brain, and I had difficulty getting it out. And when you were driving that was a dangerous thing. With herculean effort, I focused on the road, going forward.

There was no way I could kill anyone, even Charlotte. I mean yeah, she ruined my life at school, but I didn't want her dead.

At least I was sure I didn't.

"In 100 yards, your destination will be on your left."

My phone notified me that I was close by. To either side was nothing but grass and fields. I didn't see any houses so wondered if my sat nav was on the putz again. But sure enough, within a few minutes, I saw a building to the left of the road. I pulled into the driveway, my eyebrows widening. Gayle lives HERE?

There was only a single house, two stories high and made from the purest white I had ever seen. It almost blinded me as the sun came over the horizon. It looked brand new, or at least recently redone, maybe even newly built seeing as it looked too new to be in this area. It the sort of house that only millionaires could afford – and unless she had won the lottery, I doubt Gayle could have afforded it.

I got out my car and went to knock on the door, worried that the slightest touch would stain it. I saw a large box that reminded me of the computer at the end of 2001, A Space Odyssey. There was a button underneath, so I pressed that. It made a ringing noise that sounded like a cheesy 80's pop song, which seemed to be popular with a lot of houses these days.

"Yes?" On the box, Gayle appeared on a tiny screen, her voice fuzzy and robotic. I could hear noises in the background that sounded like someone was trying to imitate a car.

"Oh. Hi Gayle," I said.

"Oh, Adam!" Gayle said with a beaming smile. "Hang on, I'll be there!"

The screen went off. About five seconds or so later, the latch unlocked and Gayle was on the other side, dressed in jeans and a pink top. Her hair looked freshly combed, I could smell the lavender and peach from her head; she still used the same shampoo and conditioner. I had to do everything in my power to stop from shivering as I smelt it. Her eyes looked bigger due to the eye shadow she had around her.

It was just like the first time I saw her.

"Hey, Adam!" she smiled. "Did you find the place all right?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I mean, bit hard to miss with this big house here!"

"True," Gayle said. "Come in, come in."

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