Chapter 2 : The Fool

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Whitley, instead of pushing his sister away as he once thought he would, begins to hug her in return. His tense muscle relaxes as he hear Weiss spoke in low volume voice almost to a whisper. "Before that though, I'll be putting a little show of my own for the last event I'll be attending for a while. Father will soon have an excuse to get me to step out of becoming the heiress." she said. At the end of her sentence, she then let go of Whitley and tilted her body outward of the hug. Her grin unwaver but filled with mischief. Was this her plan all along? To get Father to withdrew her right as successor as a way to get herself out of the manor without suspicion from others? To make people think she's derange? Why the Dust would she go this far?!

Weiss could see the distress in Whitley eyes. From the movement of his body stepping backward and the expression on his face. "What are you leaving this time for?" he spurted out, feeling anguished at the fact his sister would rather leave the manor instead... but deep down he knew. He knew just how dysfunctional this family is. But there's just no way for him to leave this cold manor. He doesn't even plan to by all means. All he needs right now is to cling to this family and live in his father's shadow knowing full well he doesn't have what it takes to survive outside of this social world.

Weiss took a breath and let it out with a smile. "Lots. I got lots of reasons for it. But the most important thing I have to do is to take care my friends. That's all I can tell you right now." she said calmly and slowly for her brother to process it. "I see..." is all he could say feeling dejected. "Hey." Weiss called out to him with a tap to his shoulder. "Lift your head up Whitley. I'll be back, alright. And while I'm out, why don't you talk some things with mother? If you're comfortable that is." her brother look up to her eyes with confusion and a hint of anger. Before he could protest, Weiss cut him off. "She may not look it but she still cared-"

"she does and yet hide behind the bottles." Weiss can sense Its glare with Its arms crossed as It sigh in displeasure.

"-so if possible, talk with her. Please?" Weiss plead with her sadness showing uncaring of the voice's notion. Whitley was hesitant yet he thinks it through as he stare at her attempting to spot any sense of lies. There weren't any to be seen and with a huff, "Alright. Just this once. And I only do so because you're actually being honest." he wave his arms around, pointing his index finger to Weiss and smiled at the end. "Thank you Whitley." Weiss smiled, knowing Whitley might get better the next time they'll meet.

"Come along then! I have a party to thrash." she said venomously as her eyes sharpen and her grin widen. Whitley honestly thought he spot a glint in her eyes and a flicker of its colouration. "Huh. Right." his eyebrow furrowed, thinking it's the lighting and shake off the thought. As the two went through the large door, they quickly spotted their father talking with his group of people. Weiss took a glass of red wine as an attendant was walking around the ballroom. She took a sip of it and hummed in delight. "If you're planning on causing trouble by acting drunk-" Whitley bagan before being cut off by Weiss.

"Oh please..." Weiss can sense it rolled its eyes.

"None the slightest. Just thought I take it as my last treat before supposedly confined to my room." she mused as they walked towards their father nonchalantly with a grin. As they do so, their father spotted them amongst the crowd in the corner of his eye. "There they are!" his arms sprawled in a welcoming vibe. Holding a glass of alcohol with a slice of orange on top in one of his hands. "The guest had been waiting for ages to see even a glimpse of you Weiss! Seeing as you barely made an appearance besides the recitals and other important events."he shrugged. Weiss could only rolled her eyes in amusement. "Just how long will he keep that grin?" she wonders as she shook her head slightly.

"Please father, I got a lot of things to do such as tendding to my duties as the heiress. And let's not forget how I had planned not to attend such trivial social party as a way to practice my, let's say, abilities yes?" Weiss said with a hint of sarcasm relationg it to her studies without letting her grin off her face. "Even more so with how the situation at Atlas have been lately since... Well, the fall of Beacon?" she retorted back with mournful gaze towards a portrait resting on the wall across the ballroom where there rests many other portraits. Acting as their perfect little lady in grief, Weiss could hear the murmurs of her father's crowd.

Glaring from the corner of her eyes, she she could see the unease of her father trying not to get himself spotlight badly. Whitley on the other hand was aback by her tantrum despite being told of her scheme beforehand. He most likely plays his role to get it right. Now that she have create the opportunity to topple this discussion with her father, she politely ask to be given a breather and heads towards the portraits as she leaves a trail of shadow behind. "Perfect" Its grin widens even more in delight. Granted that It can not be seen by others but herself. Had It shown itself to the crowd, they would surely call her a monster, both of them.

Minding her own business, she gave a few glances to the portraits. From the left to the right of the wall, she could spot each portrait that was made by the best painter using only one of a kind paint, each by one of the famous artists. Hopefully some of them are to be bought as charity for the ones who fancy its esthetic. Her eyes then fall upon one in particular interest of hers. One that shows the scene of what was once the greatest huntsman academy in Remnant. The one and only, Beacon Academy. It brings so much memories of her team and friends before it had turn to rubles.

A clattering footsteps came closer to where she is. Only slightly more to her right. A young man dressed in a black vest with its own unique silver lining and the signature marigold flower design tucked in by his black belt that has silver chain along his waist. His shirt is the colour of maroon. He wore black tie and pants while his shoes are grey.

This guy again...

"It's beautiful." he said as he hold onto a pole, bordering the people from getting near or ruining the paintings. "You two match" as he held out his hand towards Weiss as a way to initiate a conversation. "Indeed. It is a lovely painting." turning her frown into a grin, keeping the act and knowing she got a fool to use to pass the time. How can she not be greatful? "So, did my attempt at breaking the ice succeed?" he question as he elbows the pole. "In a way, yes." answered Weiss, plain and simple. The young man with dull blue undercut hairstyle with long unshaven hair swept to his left and hanging slightly to his face fondles with his vest. "Name's Henry. Marigold." as he hold out his hand to Weiss as a polite gesture. The heiress faces the young man with a smirk etched on her face and hold out her hand into his in return. She spoke with authority and cool demeanor.

"Weiss Schnee."

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