Chapter 19: Ezcapade

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It's okay.

It's okay.

It's only pain.

It's just...

Ezreal bit his lip until it bled as the second needle slid under his fingernail.

The Mageseeker's eyes were cold as a fish's as they gave it a delicate twist that seared through the nerves in Ezreal's fingertip like he'd thrust his hand into a hearth.

"I would guess from the development of muscle in your fingers," the Mageseeker said, "That you are left-handed, so we're starting with the right, out of courtesy."

They leaned in to study his face, "...of course, I've been wrong before."

Another twist. Another scream bitten behind his tongue.

Don't. Don't let them near her. Don't let them.

If they're doing this to you...imagine what they'd do to her.

Seeing his obstinate expression, the Mageseeker smiled with their lifeless eyes.

"Something to warm you up, an icebreaker, if you will, before the flensing knives," they went on, "Of course, we can stop at any time, if you feel ready to continue our conversation."

"S-screw you..."

"Unlikely, at this point."

Delicate gray-gloved fingers twisted again.

"Perhaps I've been a little too interrogative," they said, tilting their head, "Let me tell you something about myself. I'm sure you're curious."

"...f...fascinated..." Ezreal hissed out between clenched teeth.

It's only that hand. Just keep them focused on that hand...

The fingers of his left hand, clenching and trembling in pain, hid the wiggle of the pick in the lock at his wrist, as his harsh breathing hid the click of metal inside metal.


But then what?

"As the Dauntless Vanguard defends our kingdom from the foes at its border, my Order protects my homeland from the corruption and affliction of the arcane," they lifted another needle over the candle, "And yet, even with such a noble calling..."

The needle, glowing, wavered back and forth like a snake in front of Ezreal's blurring eyes.

"...there are those in my order, my brothers and sisters, even my superiors, who would prefer I be kept on these missions abroad. They seem to consider my methods to reflect poorly upon the honor of Demacia."

They let the sterilized needle cool. Then it lowered in front of Ezreal's ring-finger.

"To them I would say, with greatest love, that magic knows no borders, no limits, and no mercy. And neither must we."

The eyes smiled.

"Two fingers left, and then the thumb," they said, "We should finish this hand before we start the other, though. Would you prefer I start the defleshing from left-to-right or the reverse?"

Ezreal worked his jaw and mumbled something as he pulled his eyes and face away.

"Hm. Words?" whispered the Mageseeker, leaning in closer in turn, "Is there something you'd care to repeat, Ezreal?"

Ezreal mumbled again.

"Stalling for time will only make this harder on us both, Ezreal," the Mageseeker sighed, "All I want is a name. Luxanna has abandoned you. For whom?"

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