Chapter 4: Interlude - Her Taste

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Jinx lifted her eyes to the ceiling and took a deep breath. it's like this...this is what it feels like?

Her eyes searched and jittered as she felt Lux's lips on her skin.

"You're beautiful, my Jinx..."

A jinx is a curse...bad luck...disaster...

Jinx sucked her lower lip under her teeth. The other girl's kisses blossomed on each of her cloud tattoos. Her sweet breath rushed over her nipples.

Jinx shivered and pulled her gaze down, just as Lux's eyes lifted to hers. They shone with her precious Light, deep down inside, sunbeams filtering through clean blue water.

You sure you want me to be your jinx?

She couldn't ask the question, because Lux had crept closer, her cherubic smile had turned impish and her mouth was clamped over Jinx's breast, sucking down, sucking almost all of it into her grasp. Her tongue swished and twirled and left Jinx so hard it nearly hurt.

Jinx bit back a shudder. Not a bad one. Lux's touch seared her skin and drew rainbow streaks in its wake. Jinx's scribbles and scratches fled from her. She was vibrant, radiant, intense...

Like looking at the sun.

Jinx touched people. People didn't touch Jinx. People didn't want her. People didn't want to make love to her...

But Lux did, and Lux was, and everything was new.

Just a new day. Like the sun risin', up there high where only the Pilties get to see.

"Are you ready?"

Jinx took a deep breath.

"Jinx, hey, we can stop, if you're not comfortable-"

Lux's hand lay on her cheek, gentle concern in her eyes.

"No, Blondie," Jinx whispered back to her, "I wanna do this. I wanna...I wanna let you take care of me."

"For your sake," Lux said softly, resting her cheek to Jinx's tummy, "Don't do anything you don't want just because you think it'll please me. Promise me, please."

Jinx gave a croaking little laugh and pulled her eyes down to lock to the blonde girl's.

Guess I'm scared. Not of you, though. You're not gonna hurt me, can't, you're too pure and bright and good...

I'm scared I'll feel too too much.

But you're not scared of me, are you?

Lux smiled a sunrise at her.

"Promise ya, Sunbeam," Jinx whispered, "I won't letcha do anythin' I don't wanna do. I want you. C'mere and share that sky with me, 'fore I get jealous."

Lux giggled and rubbed her bright apple-pink cheek against Jinx's belly, then lowered between her legs and got comfortable.

She's lookin' at me. Right at my...

"Well-well," Lux hummed, "What have we here..."

Her breath tickled Jinx's inner thighs, right alongside the warm press of her cheek. Her skin, radiantly hot, rubbed to Jinx's cold legs.

"I've found the prettiest blue garden..." she whispered, pressing tickling kisses to Jinx's pubes, "...and the prettiest pink flower tucked right here in the bushes."

Jinx choked back a whimper as Lux's lips brushed her, silk-soft, her warm murmuring breath washed over places that were very, very sensitive, and very very wet.

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