SEASON 1 EPISODE 3: radio killed the video star part 1.

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we go to the amazing spider-man himself who swings across pentergram city and does a few tricks of his while web swinging to
bring the charm to his web swinging across pentergram city as it's residents look up a bit surprised seeing a human in spider themed
spandex web swing across buildings and wall running across the building and web launching across some building.


SPIDER-MAN: okay! let's see if i can find some crime to stop

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SPIDER-MAN: okay! let's see if i can find some crime to stop. *looks around while web swinging*
okay none i can see around here. ...*sees a sinner girl get pushed down in a alley by 4 shark rat
demons* well that isn't good.

spider-man web swings towards the alley and clings onto the alley's wall and see the 4 rat demon whack the sinner girl across
the face as she fall backwards on her back whimpering in pain as she cries. the leader of the rat demons grins sadistically as he
approaches the sinner girl.

RAT DEMON LEADER: *chuckles maliciously* should've tooken my offer for some fun bitch. *grabs sinner girl by collar as
she whimpers and sobs* now you're gonna be my little sheep fuck toy.

SPIDER-MAN: not going to happen!

spider-man web swing kicks the rat demon leader from behind and webs him up wheile both are in the air and spidey web yanks the rat
demon leader down on the ground webbed down. spidey drops to the ground and walks over to the sinner girl who whimpers on her back
and moves backwards away from spidey. spider-man seeing there's still 3 rat demons left to deal with as they take out their knifes.

SPIDER-MAN: stay here ma'am. *walks past her and stands infront of the 3 rats* i'll deal with these rats. hey guys! didn't
your mothers tell you not to hit a nice girl? because if they were here, *shakes head dissapointed* they would be dissapointed.

RAT DEMON: *growls angrily* so your that human named spider-man. you shouldn't of gotten involved in our business
fucking bug! hehe, *point knive at spidey* now we're gonna cut you up and deliver your head to green goblin! *walks
towards spidey*

SPIDER-MAN: *fakes being afraid and fake sobs* oh god! no please, i'm begging you! *gets on knees* not the knifes!
anything but the knifes! please! *hands up begging*

SINNER GIRL: *confused* h-huh?

RAT DEMON: *arrogant* y-yeah! you better be afraid! *stands near spider-man*

SPIDER-MAN: my only weakness, is knifes!

RAT DEMON: wait, what??

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