Chapter 9

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Melayna's eyes slowly started to open as she heard both Chimney's and Bobby's voices. She didn't know she had passed out, she just remembered everything going black and then waking up on the floor. Her collapsing had been due to stress off the bullying at school and the stress of the work. She looked up at them both. "What...what happened?" she asked feeling slightly confused. 

Bobby sighed with relief. "It seems you passed out," he said softly as he helped her to sit up. "You need to let me try and sort out the bullying at school or its just going to get worse Layna." He wanted to help her as much as he could. It was almost her fourteenth birthday and he wanted to plan a surprise party at the fire house. He couldn't concentrate on that at the moment, he just needed to make sure she was okay. "Chim, can you check her over and make sure she is okay." 

Chim nodded and started to check her over. "Looks like you a dehydrated and it caused you to faint. You just need to drink more fluids and you should be okay Layna." A look of relief had spread across both their faces knowing that it wasn't too serious. "You need to start and take it easy," Bobby said softly. "You have life changing injuries and you are taking on too much at once. Take a week or so off school to recover please." 

Melayna looked up at them both and nodded a little, she still felt a little dazed. "I think I need food too," she said with a slight smile as she managed to pull herself to her feet, going a little dizzy and losing her balance slightly. Both Bobby and Chim quickly grabbed her to steady her. "Woah, steady," said Chim. Bobby had decided it would be best if he stayed home for the rest of the night to make sure she was okay. "I'm going to stay at home, can you keep an eye on things at the fire house." Chim nodded and left the house to go back to the fire house. 

Bobby went into the kitchen and and started to make them so more food. "Are you going to tell me what has been going on recently? I'm worried about you kiddo." He glanced into the other room seeing her sitting there in a world of her own. "Layna?" he called out trying to get her attention. He sighed and started to approach her kneeling down in front of her. He reached out and touched her arm gently. "Hey?" he asked again. He looked at her. 

Melayna jumped slightly when she felt him touch her arm. "Sorry, I was in a world of my own," she said with a little giggle. "Thinking about some work that I need to do for school." She looked at him and smiled. "I'm sorry that I've been worrying you dad. I don't mean to..." She was worried that she was starting to become and burden to hall of them.

"Don't worry about it, its my job to worry about you." He smiled softly. "I'm cooking dinner." He headed back into the kitchen. He hoped she would eventually be okay. He knew she would have good days and bad days, and he would be there with her every step of the way. 

Melayna headed up to her room, she sighed to herself slightly. She didn't even feel like going online with her friends. She curled up on her bed and slowly started to fall asleep, although she didn't sleep for long. When she woke back up she had a bit of headache as she headed back downstairs. She couldn't seem to find Bobby. Was it a dream she was having? It felt like a dream. She looked down and saw blood on her shirt, she dropped to her knees gasping for air as if someone had drained all of the air out of her lungs. 

She felt someone shaking her and that's when she woke up with a startled expression. "W...what..." She trailed off her sentence and looked to see Bobby by her side. "You were having a dream," Bobby said softly. He was sat on the edge of the bed. "Dinner is ready." He smiled softly. 

Melayna sat up and rested her head on him for several seconds still trying to catch her breath. "I have a weird feeling and I'm not so sure why," she said as she raised her head to look at him. 

Bobby frowned slightly. "It was probably because of the dream, are you okay?" he asked looking at her concerned. He had his arms around her gently trying to comfort her a little. 

"I'm fine dad, it was only a dream," she said with a soft smile, her eyes glistening with tears for a moment. "I'm just glad I have you, thank you for always being here." She would have been lost without Bobby and the guys at the 118. 

"I will always be here for you, no matter what." He smiled and then got off the bed. "Don't be long or your dinner will get cold." He chuckled as he walked back downstairs. 

Melayna walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen. "Something smells nice," she said with a grin as she sat at the table while Bobby brought her food. "The least I can do is make you a meal after everything you have been through kiddo."

The both sat and ate their meal, talking and laughing. After the meal they both did the dishes and put them away. She was about to go upstairs but left the house instead while Bobby wasn't looking. She thought they would be better off without her around as she felt she would get too much for them. She sighed as she walked, she didn't even have her jacket but it was quite a warm night. She lay on the grass and looked up at the stars thinking of her real parents. 

Bobby knocked on her door before going to bed but didn't get an answer, he opened the door gently and his eyes widened when he realised she wasn't there. "Layna," he whispered to himself, he grabbed his jacket and went out to search for her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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