✦ Part Three ✦

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I roll my shoulders back and shuffle my feet as I wait outside the door to Nova's compartment.

I nearly jump out of my skin when it opens, and I am face to face with a wild-haired and disheveled version of my best friend. She's still in the loose-fitting T-shirt and small shorts she wears to sleep, even though we're required to be at the Hangar in thirty minutes.

"I thought you might be lurking out there," Nova says through a yawn. "Well, don't just stand there, come on in."

I sit on her bed while she works some sort of lotion through her hair; an attempt to tame it a little. I can't help but pick at my fingernails as my mind wanders to what the planet we'll be assigned to might hold.

Nova emerges from her bathroom wearing the plain, black, Superior-assigned underclothes that everyone on our expedition will be sporting. They cover everything except our hands and faces, and they would keep us warm and dry in the case of an emergency.

She loosely ties her hair up into a bun, and we leave her compartment with ten minutes to spare.

In the Hangar, I spot the Captain standing perfectly still by her second-in-command (Sergeant Andromeda), who paces around angrily.

I take the lead as Nova and I approach. "Captain Celeste." I dip my head respectfully. "Novice-Analyst Atlas and Analyst Nova reporting for duty."

"Took you two long enough," the Sergeant snaps. She almost always has a sour attitude, but today she is fuming. I can understand why – her son, Comet, was the one who lost both of his arms yesterday.

Nova beams at Captain Celeste with a newfound vigour, seemingly ignoring Sergeant Andromeda's existence. "Where to, Boss?"

After a moment of explanation, an Assistant leads us over to where the other six members of our expedition await our arrival.

Analyst Kepler is the most senior and experienced member. He rarely talks but is always listening.

Superior Rhea, while a little younger than Kepler, is quite wise and responsible. She is meant to supervise the mission and keep everything in order.

Analyst Apollo is the son of a high-ranking Superior. He is stubborn and independent, and often stays silent and sullen.

Soldier Orion comes from a similar background to Apollo, and the two have long been friends. Orion, however, is arrogant and reckless and makes a habit of starting fights. Both he and Apollo are a few years older than me and Nova.

Soldier Bellatrix, an ambitious young adult, had the unpleasant task of training Orion personally. Her senses are sharp, and her skills with a sword are sharper.

Medic Calypso is the closest in age to me and Nova, having graduated the year before us. She is kind and attentive, with a passion for her work.

We are all directed onto the Starship that will take us to our assigned planet. An Assistant joins us and says that he will be piloting the ship. Lastly, after we've all settled into the main lounge, Captain Celeste boards the ship to inform us of the details of our expedition.

"The objective of this expedition is to report on the environment, creatures, risks, and benefits of this planet." The Captain turns on a screen behind her, and we all look at an image of a verdant, green planet. "An expedition has never been sent here before, and with every day, it becomes more imperative that we know what it holds. In short, you all have been personally selected for this high-value mission."

Orion smirks and rests his arms over the back of the couch we're all sitting on. Nova, who sits between me and him, leans forward to keep his hand from resting against her back.

"Would we know the name of this planet, Ma'am?" Rhea asks Captain Celeste, after shooting a look at Orion.

"Yes, I'm sure of it," the Captain replies, with as unfaltering a demeanour as ever. "This planet is called Terra in most texts, although plenty know it by the name of New Earth. This is where our ancestors lived thousands of years ago."

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