Chapter twelve

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    It's been a week since I saw Gracie, a week since I held her in my arms as she cried. Since then, I have sought her out in school but have yet to see her and her infectious smile.
    Making my way to where the lads are crowded around Killian's locker, I slide in next to Corey.
    "How's Gracie?" I ask him. It's been my daily mantra since Gracie has avoided me for the past week.
    "Lad, you have to stop this. It's creepy," this comes from Connor, who is finally calling me out on my —borderline stalker activities.
    "I'm just being a nice friend," I say defensively, putting my hands up.
    "A nice friend asks her, themselves," he says, emphasising 'themselves', raising his eyebrow. Rolling my eyes, I look to Corey for answers about his sister.
    "Lad, I hate to break it to you, but I agree with Connor, it is getting weird," he gives me a look, "just go talk to her."
    "I would if she wasn't ignoring all the goddamn time."
    The boy's snicker is saying, 'Tough luck' and 'sucks to suck'. Before I lose my shite on them, I turn around and walk to class, hearing them call pussy at me while I leave.
    "Hey lad," Corey comes running up to my side.
    "I swear to god, Corey, if you are here to scold me, I will kill you."
    He laughs, "You're kinda fucking crazy, ya know?"
    I give him a look and raise my brows before he shakes his head again, "I'll talk to Gracie for you. Try to get her to stop avoiding you."
    Corey Gibson. My saviour, "Thanks, Cor, that means a lot."
    "As long as you don't break her heart, we're good."
    We walk in silence for a minute. Corey fidgets with the head of his jumper before turning to me, "Lad, because I'm doing this for you, I need you to do something for me."
    "Depends," Corey is a great man, but I know he does some questionable things behind closed doors.
    "It's nothing big, I swear."
    "Spit it out, Corey."
    "Okay, okay, I need you to buy me weed."
    "Fuck no, have you got a brain on you? You're in the academy; if they find you with that, you're done for."
    "Please, I'll give you the money; you just have to purchase it."
    "No, Corey, I'm not on board with this."
    "You are such a rule follower lad."
    "I am when it comes to fucking drugs."
    "Weed isn't a drug!" he shouts back, earning us some looks in the hallway.
    "It is when it stops working the same, and you have to get harder stuff."
    "I'll talk to Gracie," he pleads, which makes me angrier at him.
    "You are using your sister as a game to get weed, Corey; my answer is no, I'll talk to her myself." With that, I storm into class and take my seat as Corey comes in behind, plopping down right next to me I pop in my earbuds blasting the Beatles. I tune the world out for the rest of class, diving into a plan to talk to Gracie.

    "Shut up, Caoimhe!" I whisper, squealing as she takes a bite of her sandwich.
    "That's amazing, C," whispers Aine in excitement. The three of us sit at our usual table in the far corner of the canteen for lunch. Before Caoihme moved here, it just used to be Aine, Rosie and I who sat here; it was Rosie's idea when I used to get panic attacks from just the fear of stepping into the canteen . On Caoimhe's first day, Rosie, Aine I walked into her, throwing up from nerves in the bathroom. Rosie and I already knew her because of our parents, but we took her under our wings, and she instantly clicked with us.
    "Thanks, guys," she smiles up at us, which instantly makes Rosie and I match her smile; smiling is a rarity for Caoimhe; she is so trapped in that head of hers that I'm afraid she isn't even living, just going through the motions of life.
    She was telling us how she started to write her book. Caoimhe loves to read every type of book; more often than not, you'll find her head stuck between the pages of her romance novels. A week back, Rosie suggested Caoimhe try to write her own story. She shot the idea down immediately, but after some persistence from Rosie, Aine and me, Caoimhe finally started her novel.
    "Ah!" Rosie smiles even more significantly, "You are going to have to send the draft to us so we can get the first peak," Rosie whispers; not wanting to draw unwanted attention to ourselves.
    "Yeah, alright, I'll send it tonight."   
    "Send what tonight?" My big brother questions, strolling into the library with his jumper slung over his shoulders and a big grin on his face, "If it is a porno Caoimhe, make sure to add me to that email."
     Caoimhe's cheeks burn a dark crimson while I open my mouth at him, "Corey! You are a pig!" I shriek!
    "Oh, grow up," he rolls his eyes at me, "Aine, looking fit, hopefully the porno feature is you."
    "In your dreams wanker."
    "Always babe," he blows her a kiss, and she visibly gags. Once, Aine shifted Corey at a disco when they were both wasted. They both massively regretted it at the end of the night and realised they are better off as friends, but Corey finds it funny to make moves and flirt with Aine every chance he gets, just to get on her nerves.
    Caoimhe looks between Aine and Corey who are stuck in their usual argument before looking at me for confirmation if they are together, I shake my head at her, and it seems like she sighs of relief; hmm, interesting. Does little Caoimhe have a crush on my big brother?
    "Corey, why in God's name are you here?" I say annoyed, he slides into the open seat next to Caoimhe and slings an arm around her shoulder, Caoimhe turns an even brighter shade of red.
    "Aw Gracie don't sound too happy," he gives me a pouty face and I stare him down.
    "Spit it out ya bloody eejit," Rosie comes to my defence, Caoimhe is still as a statue burning bright red from Corey's arm still draped around her.
    Yup. Caoimhe definitely fancys my brother.
    "Alright, alright, Jesus, someone is prickly today, anyways," Corey is a fucking rambler, "Rory has been asking alot about you and I think you should stop avoiding him because it's really getting on my nerves when everyday he asks me how you are."
    I stare at him, mouth wide open, "No," is my simple answer, it's not a lie per se, but it's only a half truth,I want to talk to Rory, I really do, but I know what will happen when I do. He will walk on eggshells and treat me like a porcelain doll.
    "Gracie," he pleads, "Rory really cares for you and I think he has a right to know."
    "Corey, no."
    "Gracie, come on, you both care for each other and-"
    "Corey, Just fucking drop it!"
    "Fine," he says, angered at my childish reaction, he rolls his eyes before muttering something incoherently and walking back to where he sits with all the lads.
    "Something you want to tell us G?" Rosie asks. She knows about the attack, she was one of the first people I have told, Caoimhe knows too, but they don't know about the night at Biddies and I'm not ready to talk about my feelings for Rory yet.

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