Simon: Lambo's Pride

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Summary : Do forgive for not posing these past two weeks. I've been busy with life and posting became a backburner. That being said, Simon arc is finally done being written. I am currently working on Rainbow arc but I am also starting a new project to be posting once a month. Please enjoy this chapter. Thank you.

The clash was pathetic as Lambo was sent flying off the platform

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The clash was pathetic as Lambo was sent flying off the platform. "Dumb cow!" Gokudera yelled at him. "Huh? Woah. What?" Lambo landed on his back with a thump. He struggled to get back up. But once he was on his feet he cried out, "It hurts!" "Like I said, Lambo. I've never been pushed over." Rauji reminded him. "Surely, you told me that, but... well..." Lambo couldn't accept it. "I'll shove you straight to the front. And that's the end." Rauji told him. "Who'd have expected that Raiju to be this overpowering!" Tsuna questioned. "Even with the Vongola Gear we can't match him at all." Gokudera couldn't believe it. "It seems like the secret to Rauji's overwhelming strength is on his foot." Reborn pointed out. "His foot?" Sakura asked.

"The ground around his heel is swelling up!" Gokudera yelled. "Oh... To prevent himself from sliding..."Tsuna connected it. "My, my, that's foul." Lambo pointed out as he gritted his teeth. "This is not a foul. This is the ability of the flame of the mountain of the seven earth attributes. The flame of the mountain penetrates and synchronizes with soil and sand. It has complete control over flamed earth and sand. Using this flame, even the earth could be by my side" Rauji activated his flames creating a wall behind him.

"A mountain appeared.." Lambo looked up at the wall behind Rauji. "Having a mountain on his back...or more like... he's become a mountain," Tsuna commented. "That thing wouldn't move no matter what." Gokudera said in disbelief. "On top of that, Rauji is approaching Lambo while he's up-heaving the mountain. It's just a matter of time for Lambo to be pushed out." Reborn said. "Tear it down." Sakura said. They looked over at her. "Kyoya would destroy it. So would I. That mountain is nothing compared to us." She reminded them all.

"Well Lambo, let's have another fight of our flames." Rauji got into position. Lambo tried to step back but he was on the edge of the platform. "Watch out!" Tsuna yelled. "I don't want to." Lambo said to Rauji. Everyone was shocked by this response. "'Coz it's not fun if I knew that there's no way that I can win. This is not a play. This is bullying." Lambo pointed out.

"B-but Lambo! If you lose, you'll be imprisoned in the Vindice forever!" Tsuna shared with him. "What? No. I didn't hear anything about that..." Lambo looked over at Tsuna. "If you lose the match, The Vindice will appear and forcibly take you to their prison! That's why you can't run away! Do your best, Lambo!" Tsuna explained and tried to cheer on the boy. "My, my... I see. If that's the case... no good. This time I'm cowered and my foot won't move. My whole body is bloodles snow..." Lambo began to sway.

"No!" Tsuna yelled. "That idiot. Let me handle this. I know about that stupid cow very well." Gokudera said. "Gokudera-kun." Tsuna was excited. "Show us your gut, you dumb cow. As a Vongola Guardian, get yourself fired up!" Gokudera yelled at the kid. Sakura shook her head. All these boys were idiots.

"Aw. You've done it, Gokudera-shi. That sort of passionate stuff withers me up. Now that I've lost my willingness or dying will." Lambo began to sulk. "What?" Tsuna couldn't believe it. "This flipping flabby jerk." Gokudera was getting pissed. "But it's not the time to say that, Lambo! You can't lose like this!" Tsuna tried to encourage him. "Sniff... I don't want this... I want to cry. How can you expect me to go against a monster like this..." Lambo asked as he held back tears. "Don't cry, Lambo!" Tsuna yelled.

"This is my fault. Treating brat Lambo the same way as the other guardians, like a man. I was wrong about that." Reborn commented. Everyone turned their attention to the hitman. "I shouldn't have brought him here." Reborn confirmed. "That's not it. I'm the one to be blamed. I could have stopped him from coming along if I wanted. But I couldn't reject him. Lambo is still just a kid. We shouldn't have involved such a child!" Tsuna was regretting all of it.

"You're wrong, young Vongola. Wrong... That's not it. There's some scene that I would never forget in my childhood memories. Kinda mama. Charming I-pin. Young Vongola. And the unique older people around him. I was happy to be there and I enjoyed it more than anything. I wanted to catch up to them as soon as possible... the world that Young Vongola and others live. You must take the younger me with you whenever from now on, too. I'm the one that wants to stay with you." Lambo explained. "That little Lambo was..." Tsuna was in shock. "Thinking like that..." Gokudera didn't understand either. Sakura smirked. These feelings of his... she could understand them. After all, this whole time, she had been trying to keep up with Tsuna and his friends. Now she was on the same level as them.

"My, my... I realized by talking about it that I can't lose this play. In order to face my ten years younger self properly, I've got to win." He charged up his flames. "He's... flame." Tsuna couldn't believe it. "Alright!" Gokudera was excited. Sakura smiled.

"You're overestimating yourself, Lambo. It's impossible to push me over and this rocky mountain that has the flame of the mountain." Rauji stayed firm in his strength. "Who knows, if I don't try. I feel like I remember how to use Vongola Gear along with my memories from the past. The meaning of these curled horns." Lambo pointed up at his helmet. "The curled horns?" Gokudera questioned. "Corna Mola ElettroShock." Lightning flames appeared around the cow creating bursts of power all around the arena. "Whoa. What fierce lightning." Tsuna was blinded by the light. Thankfully Sakura's sky glasses allowed her to still see what was going on.

"That level of attack can only injure me but you can't defeat me with that." Rauji said. The flames continued to hit various parts of the arena. "Something inside the dome is... drawing towards Lambo!" Tsuna pointed out. "I see. It's Iron sand." Reborn pointed out. "Iron sand?" Sakura asked the hitman. "The curled horns that Lambo has, are working as coils. Coils become electromagnets that create a magnetic force by passing an electric current." Reborn explained to them all. "Magnet? That's why iron is..." Tsuna understood. "It's so strong." Gokudera commented. "Now the iron sand has started to melt." Tsuna noticed.

"The one being able to win the landscape over to his side was not only you." Lambo taunted Rauji. "Here I come. Electorico Ironhorn!" Six horns of iron came out of Lambo's dome and aimed straight towards Rauji. "The Ironhorn is made of iron sand?" Rauji asked. "This isn't just random iron. This is the super steel coated by the lightning flames that have the 'hardening' effect of the seven sky attributes." Lambo explained. "United?" Rauji asked.

Lambo's Ferro Corno Electro Shock was so powerful that it not only broke through Rauji's defense and mountain but also was powerful enough to throw him off the platform. "This is insane!" He yelled as he was thrown. It was over.

"You did it!" Tsuna cheered. "We won!" Gokudera cheered. "Great job." Sakura said, smiling. "Phew~ my, my." Lambo began to take off his helmet. "Well done, Lambo!" Tsuna continued. "Great job, dumb cow." Gokudera followed suit. "Well something like this is a piece of cake for me. Opps. Heavy, heavy." He struggled as he removed the helmet and lost his balance. "So not cool as usual..." Gokudera said.

"Damn it. Even though I lost, Simon won't lose! Surely, Enma and the others will avenge me!" Rauji yelled. Everyone looked at him. "Erm... He keeps saying this, but who's Enma? Is he that great?" Lambo asked. "He's my boss! And they're strong bonds between us! Because we were persecuted by mafia families that are under the umbrella of the Vongla. We all lost our families. We share the hatred and the sorrow of the persecution! That's why Simon's bond is strong!" Rauji stayed strong in his beliefs but a loss is still a loss. The Vindice appeared. "This battle has been settled."  

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