Chapter 20

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Carlos didn't said anything about the hospital anymore this evening. Now we're laying in bed and trying to fall asleep. I know I have to talk with Carlos about the whole eating thing, but it's so hard. And I'm not sure if I'm gonna hurt him with it. Carlos told me some things about Charles, and I could see how broken he was from that. I don't know if he can handle more...

Carlos rolls over and hides his face in my neck. "How is the pain Lan?" He asks softly, I can here softness in his voice. "Yeah, it's a bit better" I say, I'm not lying. It goes a bit better, but not very much. My stomach growls, remembering me that I didn't ate again. "Hungry mi coriño?" Carlos ask with a hint of a smile in his voice. "Mhm no" I answer. "Well your body tells something different" he says.

"I'm not hungry Car, really" I say. Carlos moves a bit and then he flicks on the light on his nightstand. I roll over and look confused at him. "What are you doing?" "I'm going to get some food for you" Carlos answers with a sleepy smile. "Ah, Car please, you really don't have to" I say. I try to think about something I can say, but all I can think is: "Don't eat, don't eat, don't eat."

"Carlos, don't get me food, I'm okay" I say, it comes out more panicked than I ever wanted. Carlos eyes turn concerned and his smile fades. "Lando" he starts. He sits down on the bed and looks me in my eyes. "Are you not hungry, or don't you want to eat?" He asks, I say nothing. "Answer me please" he says, grabbing my hand.

"Um... well... the second..." I say, I lower my eyes. "Oh Lan..." Carlos carefully pulls me into a hug. "Why didn't you told me querido?" He asks. "I was to scared..." I answer, softly crying into Carlos' shoulder. "It's okay Lan, it's okay" Carlos says, rubbing my back. "I'm so damn sorry" I say softly sobbing. "Hey, don't be, it's okay, you can't do anything about it."

When I stopped crying Carlos holds my head between his hands. "Is this why you didn't want to let you check Lando?" He asks, I nod. Carlos smiles soft. "Okay, you're gonna drink water before we go to the doctor tomorrow so you will get a bit heavier for a while, then the doctor can check out this beautiful body of yours without problems, and when we get back we are gonna find a solution to let you eat again, does that sounds good?" Carlos asks, I shrug.

"I um... I don't wanna eat... you know... then... um... I'll get fat..." I say softly. "You are not fat mi coriño, your body is so damn beautiful, and I'm gonna show you that, and I'm gonna make you love yourself again, I promise you, everything will be alright, okay?" I nod and tear up. "Thank you for being so sweet Car" I say, and I hug him again, it hurts a bit but I don't care about that. Carlos chuckles. "It's my pleasure Lan, I will do everything for you."


It's twelve days later and we're in turkey for the GP. Lando and I are standing on the grid and talking. A few of Lando's ribs were bruised but he was very lucky and can race again. I try to help Lando a bit with eating, it's getting better. It really is. The other boys know nothing of this, Lando didn't want to make anyone worried about it. I can get that.

"It's Friday theeeeeen, it's Saturday, Sunday, what?!" Max sings running towards us, he pats Lando on his shoulder. "Great you're back mate." Lando chuckles. "I can't deny I missed you're Dutch chaos Max" he says laughing. Max laughs too. "Ah there are you Max" Louis says laughing. "Hey guys! How are you doing Lan?" He asks. "Yeah doing good, the pain's almost gone" Lando says smiling. "Where's Charlie?" Max smirks. "O my lord, no, what did you do to him?" I ask. "Nothing!" Max answers laughing. "Mhm-mhm... right..."

Max laughs. "No, but he's in the box." I laugh. "Ah okay, I'm gonna take a look, okay Lan?" Lando nods. "Yeah sure! I'm gonna say hi to Dan, see you guys later!"

I walk towards the Ferrari box and see Charles. "Hi mate!" I say, giving him a bro-hug. "Hey! Car, how are you? And how is Lando doing?" He asks, we walk towards the dressing room. "I'm doing good!" I say with a smile. "Lando is doing good too." "Ah, I'm glad."

He shuts the door behind him and I start changing for the trainings. "How are you by the way?" I ask. "I am actually doing great." I look at him. "Really?" Charles smiles and nods. "Yup, everything's good, I've been with Max to Monaco and we hung out almost everyday, we had really good talks and I just feel totally recharged again" he says. I pat his back. "I'm glad Char, sounds like you needed some rest." Charles nods. "Yes, I did."


After the trainings I am heading out for dinner with: Max, Louis, Charles, Lando, Daniel, Pierre, George and Alex. I am a bit worried about Lando though. I hope he doesn't get anxious eating with so much people around him. It seemed like I worried for nothing, because Lando eats fine, he laughs and talks and I am so happy I helped him trough the worse part of his ED.

I come back to my hotel room after the dinner, when I open the door Harry's already here, reading a book. "Hey love" I say, kissing him short. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?" Harry smiles and nods. "Okay, we're gonna watch a movie right?" He asks. I nod. "Yes of course darling, you can pick one okay?" Harry nods again and kisses me. "Hurry a bit with showering okay? I've missed you" he says, fake pouting. I laugh. "Sure Haz, I'll hurry."

When I'm done showering I get into the double bed next to Harry, I wrap my arm around him for a cuddle. "Hm, I missed you babe" he says. "I missed you too love" I say chuckling, because it only has been three hours since the last time we saw each other.

"I'm so happy you're my boyfriend" Harry says when we're halfway trough the movie. "Aw, I'm so happy you're mine too Hazza!" I kiss his hair. Harry mumbles something. "Um sorry what did you say?" I ask, Harry gets a bit red and smiles soft. "Ah no it's nothing." "Yes it is, tell me my love" I say. "I um... I love you..."

He loves me, he loves me. He said it, he said he loves me! I start to smile like an idiot. "I love you too babe" I say. Harry smiles softly. "Don't feel forced or something to say it back, cause if you don't want to you don't ha-" But Harry can't finish his sentence because I kiss him passionately. "Of course I want to say it back, you're my world Styles" I say, resting my forehead against his. "And you're mine Tommo."

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