Chapter 4

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A/n-not edited

the people throw their money at him and he graciously collects it handing some bags to his friends, jumping excitedly at his win. then he does the surprising thing and walks towards me, offering me a hand. i take it, not because i need it but maybe so i can get a feel of what his hand could feel like in different circumstances.

he pulls me to my feet and i clutch my behind, the pain from the battle just reaching out. to me when the adrenaline rush dies down

"that was impressive, I hear you are undefeated"  he offers his hand to help steady me when he sees me sway like a palm tree. I slap it away and feel Annika's arm reach and swing under my armpits.

"was," i look up at him, " i was undefeated" i glare at him. if my parents dont notice my beat up face, then they sure are gonna realise when i come home with money less than i usually bring.

"huh," a small laugh escapes his lips, "well then i'm honoured to have taken that from you" Mason bows like a prince. he's trying to get under my skin. and it works. my anger rises just as quickly as my fist. and through the corner of my eye i see Annika Attempt to stop it.

Right before my fist hits his face, he grabs it. fuck. I put my arm down and Annika sighs in relief. oh how desperate i am to punch his stupidly pretty face.

"how about drinks?"  Annika nudges me, and i see her eyes give a silent plea to keep my temper down when i'm off the ring. i raise my hands in surrender.

Masons hand go to my waist steadying me again. this time i'm grateful for it.

"its on me, pretty boy" she points to herself and i watch her figure disappear towards the bar. Mason sits me on a bar stool and Annika throws me a medkit. i take it graciously and analyse my cut in the reflection of the cocktail shaker in front of me.

I feel a gentle hand push the hair which escapes my braid behind my ear, a small gasp leaves my mouth

"i like your hair" he says, i roll my eyes "why?  because it matches my blood?" i roll my eyes watching his travel down the dark copper braid. I press the towel to my cut. and i feel a warm towel wiping away blood which had dripped on my collar bone. my eyebrows knit in confusion. the man who almost kills me is helping me clean my wounds. my eyes meet his apologetic ones. 

"You have potential Verena," he tilts his head down to where Annika slides a drink.

"you're still here?'' i  say in annoyance, i scoff and unwrap my fingers to feel my ribcage. definitely bruised and face the cocktail shaker once more. theres a short bit of silence in-between us

"and its Rena." my eyes glance sideways to glance at him where he sits in silence "no one calls me by my full name like that. everyone here knows that." 

"you got it, Rena" he says it like he's tasting it, "truce?" he offers a handshake. I stare at him, dumbfounded my eyes dart from his eyes to his hand. no ones ever offered me a truce. usually it ends in enemies for life. so i grab it and shake.

I sip my water. cool liquid soothing my dry throat and i smile watching Anni add more tequila into her concoction of juices and cordials in front of us.

"So Whats a war officer doing in these shitty parts on the kingdom" i ask, swirling the ice in my cup out of boredom. he had been my last opponent of the night.

his body shifts and his eyes travel uncomfortably anywhere around the room.his fingers nervously tapping the side of his whiskey glass. "just having fun while i'm on leave." he chuckles nervously. Fucking liar.

I nod, forcing my suspicion down to the back of my mind, and just because im not going to pry any further, he's a stranger, i'm never going to see him again, why bother getting to know him? plus, theres no need for another fight.

"and just like that my fun is over" he sighs and i follow his line of sight to see his friends motioning with their hands that its time to leave. He stands up and takes one step towards them but then turns around again, he drops a bag of gold in my lap

"i don't need your pity money." yes i do. i glare, and hold it out in front of him. one of his friends with blonde fluffy hair calls out his name, gods, even his friends are hot.

"if you say so" he says in a rush grabbing it back, "bye Rena" his eyebrows wiggle playfully but eyes hold an emotion which make him look like he'll miss me and he starts speed-walking to his friends. he turns around when he gets there and i see his face look at mine, like his trying to commit himself to remembering me. he wont.

when i know he's gone, another figure sits next to me, shes unrecognisable. she has dark black hair and pale skin. her coat still on like she had just arrived. shes older than me, i can see the wrinkles start forming on her forehead. must be in her late 20's or early 30s

" i know your disappointed about the money" she says eyes looking over to the ring

my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. and i look around. Anni has gone dancing on the dance floor, leaving me with a stranger. 

"what about it." i grit my teeth swallowing my anger and embarrassment with my drink. She drops a larger and fuller bag in front of me on the table, i look at her and she motions me to open it. I peek inside and gasp. Inside is enough gold to pay for food for my family for at least a week. I i snap the clasp on the bag shut.

"i'm sorry, i cant take it."  my guilt consumes me, reminding me than i earn money and not take it.

"not yet, at least" she continues, i look up at her in confusion and she drags her bar stool closer, i lean in to listen what she has to say

" you can kill right?" she asks,  I choke on my drink, "what?" i reply, still choking on my drink. 

she sighs, " I've seen you fight Rena. you can kill just as easily " she starts explaining  "your skills easily outmatch mine, and i need your help." my ears perk up and listen, " i overheard that my sister in-law is planning to poison me. my family doesn't like me, so i know they wont stop or believe me" 

a twinge of pity pangs in my heart, her family situation was clearly worse than mine. her eyes give me a pleading look as i think of what to say, God, is she had asked me a year ago, when my family still wasn't as tight on money as they are now, i would have said no. but the nod of my head makes her smile and she pulls out a pen from her pocket, writing down address and time.

"she's usually taking a sleeping my this time, you should be able to do it easily" she smiles and walks away, taking the money with her, " ill meet you here, same time same place" she points to the bag in her hands. "i'll spread the word of you new 'job'" she winks and disappears through the crowd of drunk people.


All that was a year ago. Now. im 17 and killing for blood money. maybe with this, my family will love me.

A/n- hey guys, i hope you liked this chapter, also please ignore any mistakes or any inconsistency in the chapters, i cant be bothered to edit them ;-;

-Violet xoxo

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