Twenty Five

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I walk down the Main Street headed for my apartment feeling all kinds of emotions.

Charlotte had no right to talk to me the way she did but then again it's not like what she was saying wasn't the truth. I close my eyes for a moment knowing what I was doing wasn't right.

Blake gave me a way out of all this mess so why do I still have these feelings about her and why is it that whenever she's in the same room as me my eyes feel the need to drift over at her.

"Pull yourself together." I mumble not looking where I was going as I bump into someone opening a door.

"Sorry" they mumble as I stabilize my footing stopping for a moment. I look up at the bright sign above my head and read the label as
Death & Company. I wonder if she was in there right now?

I shake my head continuing my walk back to my place. I needed to forget about her because as of right now she was being more mature than I was.

You don't like her, it's just admiration. I try telling myself as I walk into my building.

"Good evening Mrs Claire." Startled by the presence I look up greeting Harry the desk clerk.

I stared at the elevator for a moment but didn't head towards it. Instead I took a seat on one of the lobby couches knowing if I headed upstairs I risked the chance of bumping into A) my wife and B) my student.

Neither one of those options sounding appealing at the moment.

I don't remember what happened after that...

The strangest thing happened to me tonight. I was making out with this girl in the bathroom when suddenly I decided I didn't want to go any further, I just wasn't feeling anything towards her, I just felt completely numb.

It was a strange feeling as I pushed her off of me and walked out knowing that had never happened to me before. I really didn't know what to think of it. Was it because someone else had been in the back of my head ever since I saw her in the elevator, maybe. But I tried my best not to let that affect me. I ended whatever we had between us, I can't just go back on my word I'm trying to be the bigger person here.

Oh but I really did miss having her lips against mine.

Shut up. I scolded myself pushing open my building doors and saying hi to Harry the lovely desk clerk.

"How did your night treat you Blake?"

"Eh not the best night I've ever had."

"That's a shame." I nodded my head. "I'm sure your night was at-least better than hers." I turn my head confused by what he was pointing at.

On the lobby couch was Evelyn curled into a ball fast asleep on the arm rest. Well shit what happened there?

I turn to look at the balding man. "She didn't come home with her wife?" The man shook his head and I turned back towards her feeling bad knowing they were supposed to have been on a date.

I said my goodbyes to Harry and hesitantly made my way over to the sleeping woman. I knew we created boundaries but I wasn't just gonna let her sleep on the damn couch.

"Evelyn." I spoke out gently budging her shoulder as she stirred in her sleep. Her eyes slowly peaked open and widened once she noticed me stood before her.

"W-what happened?" She spoke out in a raspy voice still half asleep.

"You fell asleep on the couch." She looked around palming her face in embarrassment. "We'll that's awkward." She mumble pulling herself up off the couch.

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