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It was Wednesday night and I had just gotten back from a late night run. I took my hair out pouring myself a glass of water before deciding I would have a bath.

I was just about to turn on the faucet before I heard a series of aggressive knocks at my front door.

Who the fuck is this?

I leave the bathroom checking my reflection to see if I looked decent. I was wearing a sports bra and leggings, good enough. I opened the door to the unknown guest.

"She declined my call can you believe that." Evelyn came barging into my apartment ranting about her love life to me.

"Hi to you too?" I shut the door following her into my kitchen.

"I've called her a few times this week and the only responses I've gotten are I'll call you later, hope your weeks going good and I'm not sure when I'll be back. I mean look at this, please tell me I'm not crazy for thinking she's treating me like dog shit."

"Yeah it's not exactly an ideal marriage."

She set her phone down giving me a blank stare. "That's all you have to say about this?"

"The hell am I supposed to say, I don't do relationships especially not complicated marriages from my university professor."

She sighed resting her head down on her arms. "Your right, I don't know why I came here. You probably have plans or things you need to do and here I am talking to you about my marriage." She looked up at me "I'm sorry."

"No really it's fine, I just don't know if my advice is gonna be the right one and I don't want anything I say to blow up in your face."

She didn't respond to me after that but instead unlocked her phone as I watched her scroll through her contacts until it read Charlotte.

"Hey you wanna do something tonight?" I interrupted her thoughts as she perked up again. "Like what?" I gave her a cheeky smile forgetting about the part where she's still my professor and I'm her student.

"Blake are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Totally this is what I always do when I'm trying to get something off my mind. You just need to relax a little." I watch as she tugs on her dress looking a little uncomfortable.

"Come on" I grabbed her hand pulling her through the crowd of dancing people and over to the bar.

So maybe taking her to a bar with drinking and dancing wasn't the most responsible decision I have ever made in my life. But this was really the only thing I knew how to do so here we are.

"Alright first thing on the agenda tonight is drinking." I ordered us both a shot of tequila and a fruity drink assuming that's probably her style.

"This is really good." I looked over watching her sip her beverage.

"Hey cut that out" I pulled the straw from her mouth scowling at her. "Your supposed to take the shot first and then the other drink helps the drunkenness keep pace."

She eyed the shot wearily "I don't usually take straight shots cause they go to my head really fast."

"Well" I handed the shot to her "tonight you do" I gave her a nod as we both tossed our heads back drinking the tequila. Her face scrunched for a second making me laugh as I motioned towards the lime beside her. "fuck that burns" she took a sip of the fruity drink as I scoped out the area. Hearing your professor swear in front of you is rather odd but at the same time I couldn't help but feel a little giddy getting to see a new side of her.

"Feeling better?" I asked her raising my voice so she could hear me over the loud music.

"I don't know, I just feel fuzzy and warm."

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