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A harsh knock at my door made me stir in my sleep as I rolled over reading the time as 10 in the morning. Thankfully it was a Saturday meaning I had no class and could sleep as long as possible.

"Blake I think someone's at your door!" Megan yelled down the hall as I suddenly heard the knocking take place again. I crawled out of bed throwing on an oversized sweatshirt as I walked out of my room.

"Don't worry I'll get it." I saw Megan pass by me and towards the front door. I happily accepted her offer until I remembered the only other person who knew where I lived. I was kind of avoiding her at the moment and I really wasn't ready to talk to her about anything especially with Megan around.

"Megan wait don't answer the d-

As I rushed towards the front, I realized I was too late.

"Mrs Claire?" Megan looked back at me puzzled as I internally wanted to crawl back into bed and ignore what was happening in front of me.

"Oh? I didn't realize you had a guest." Evelyn took a step back as her cheeks tinged with a pink colour.

"Yeah this is Megan she's in your law and society class as well." Realization seemed to dawn on the blonde. "Right you just transferred classes." The silence suddenly thickened as Evelyn stood frozen in place and Megan looked back and forth completely lost on what was happening.

"Oh Ev-Mrs Claire lives right down the hall from me." I gave Megan the answer she was looking for reminding myself we were still on professional terms.

"R-right I do." The blonde stumbled over her words. "I just had a question for you but I can come back another time, Megan nice seeing you again." She quickly rushed back down the hall as I attempted to call after her but she didn't turn back around.

"We'll that was odd." Megan shut the door turning to look at me. "What are the odds your professor would live on the same floor as you."

"I know what a small world." I awkwardly chuckled turning towards the kitchen and making us coffees to distract the weird run in that just occurred.

Megan had left just after noon that day and I suddenly didn't know what to do with myself. As much as I liked being by myself, living alone could get quite boring after a while.

I decided to vacuum and do laundry knowing my place was beginning to look a little cluttered. I blasted music in my speaker dancing around my living room and cleaning as I went.

By around 4 in the afternoon I had finished as I slumped on the couch. All day Evelyn was stuck in the back of my head and as much as I wanted to ignore her, I also felt the need to go over to her place and ask why she showed up earlier.

Pealing myself off the couch I trudged down the hall and after some hesitancy I eventually knocked on the door.

At first there was no response and I figured she wasn't home but then as I went to turn around the blonde opened the door in a hurry. My eyes raked up and down her appearance as she stood before me with her hair dripping wet and her figure only covered by a towel. "Oh sorry I can come back later." My eyes tried to fixate on her face even though I was tempted to look further.

"No it's fine come in, let me just go change." I followed in after her as I took a seat on her couch. She came back wearing a hoodie and sweatpants a few minutes later. "Before you ask no Charlotte isn't home." She answered my question for me as I visibly relaxed.

"Business trip?" I ask feeling sad that Evelyn was constantly left alone.

"No running errands." She took a seat beside me on the couch.

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