GAME MAKER TWIST updated 7/9/15

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This is where I'll write the game maker twist, so check back here often! I might update during the middle of the week, so you'll have to rewrite your entry. ANYTHING is possible. If you don't add a twist into your writing by the end of the Saturday that the entry is due, your tribute will be eliminated. Just another warning. Also, be ready, there are some, you could call, changes coming.

1st Twist (for next week): The 200th Hunger Games, also know as the  8th quarter quell. The worse ideas are brought to the table. Only one is picked. This year's twist is this:

There are 24 of you, or so you thought. Exact replicas of yourself and other tributes hide among the dense green forest, you now call home. They fight like you, smell like you and run like you. Even you can't tell if it's a replica or not of yourself. But, these are worse. These tributes are made to kill; however, they're hard to kill. Check for the encounter chapter coming later today for your first battle!


You're finally settled into your new home. You know the environment and what it offers. Life, for just this rare second, is on pause. It's late at night when it happens. Right after the last cannon went off. Everybody was awake. Everyone was alert. It happened so quickly. A bright, quick light flashes through the sky, barley seen above the trees. Then the sound hits. It's enough to make some of you temporarily deaf. You feel it first. The ground trembling beneath your feet. Then you see it: water, and a lot of it. The arena is flooding. You have two choices. 

1) climb up a tree

2) die

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