Chapter 1

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News Papers are selling through out New York. Sin Eater is revealed to be Stanley Carter. Unknown Reporter has been fired in the Daily Globe for the miss identity.

The Daily Bug has a big screen in Time Square to show the face of J. Jona Jameson, to listen to his non-stop ranting.
Jona: Today this is the end of the misery of the Monster known as the Sin Eater. We may have lost many lives, but many will be missed.

Jona says respectively live on television, before going back to his own business.
Jona: And thanks for that incident we have one person to blame. That Menace Spider-Man!! The Sin Eater Rampages around through our street, and Spider-Man shows a pathetic display of "Heroism" I've ever witnessed!!

As the ranting goes on, Peter starts printing Spider-Man pictures in his office. He can hear his Boss' ranting through the echoing halls.

"Yep, that's me. I'm Peter Parker and I am Spider-Man."

We hear Peter narrate as he was walking through the Daily Bugle.

"I've gone use this for a while now. A couple of threats here and there, but it was nothing like the old days. I still have Aunt May, and other friends to keep my head out of the clouds."

Peter looks at a line of displayed news papers on the walls, most of them about Spider-Man of course.

"Jona drags bring me back down to earth on a regular basis too. But the staff job at the bugle pays the bills."

Peter sighs and walks back to Jona's office, it's looks like his boss is talking to someone.
Jona: Out standing work! Where were you fired from again?

Jona looks at the file given too him full of impressive news reports and projects.
?: The Daily Globe, sir. All because of a mistake.

Peter looks at the man talking to Jona. He looks like he's around the same age as Peter, but a couple years older. He has dirty blonde hair, with brown eyes. By looking at his hight, he is very built, practically the same built as Flash Thompson.
Jona: Parker, just in time.

Jona calls out Parker, be let's him in his office.
Jona: This is... Uh... What's your name?

Eddie: Eddie Brock, Sir. I transferred myself from the Daily Globe.

Eddie shakes Peter's hand to greet him.
Peter: I'm Peter Parker.

Eddie: You're the one who posted the Sin Eater article, hmm?

He says in a normal tone as he could, but it felt a bit off. Like if he was holding something back.
Peter: It's not a big deal. Spider-Man deserves all the credit. I just did the report.

Eddie: Of course. It's not like someone else worked hard to work on the report...

Peter winches in pain when he felt Eddie's grip. Eddie snaps out of it and let's go.
Eddie: Sorry, strong grip.

Peter: Right...😐

Jona: Got a assignment for both of you. Norman Osborn has a reception in Oscorp. He has a new partner, Arthur Tombs, new rich guy in town. We need pictures, both of you.

Peter: That might be a conflict of interest sir. I'm friends with the Son of Norm-

Jona: Conflict of interest? The only conflict here is my interest in this conversation. It's at eight. So get out of here!

Peter: Fine. By the way, I wasn't paid last week.

Jona: Ms. Brant! Cut Parker his check and tell him to stop dressing up like a high schooler from the 60's

Peter rolls his eyes and leaves the office with Eddie behind him.
Eddie: I'm looking forward to work with you, Parker.

Peter: Right...

We fade into Central Park. It was midnight, there was broken trees, scraped dirt in a straight line leading to a hole. There was a rock, it was burning from entering the earth.
Then something crawls put of the hole.
It was a black blob. It was crawling on the ground, it attempts to find a host by using animals but they retreated. When the blob attempts to bond with a squirrel, someone grabs it.

The worker puts the blob in a container, and takes it to a van with a Oscorp Logo.

We fade to inside Oscorp. Workers are taking the container in one of the labs, much to Norman Osborn's delight. The blob was moving violently to attempt to escape. It was organic and slimy, yet pulsing with life and potential.
Norman: My God...

He moves close to the container with the blob inside, but it shivered and hiss at Norman like it dosen't like him.
Norman: You're Beautiful...

The blob continues to move around violently, almost predatorily, an animal searching for their next meal, gliding back and forth.
Norman: Soon you will give Oscorp a new meaning. You will be perfect... I have plans for you.

It was brought into the labs and was set up in one of the containments for testing.
?: I see that this is sentient.

A robotic arm grabs the tube to be looked at. The scientist looks at in with interest, he hasn't seen anything like it.
Norman: Indeed it is, Octavius.

Doc Ock: I knew there is some resourceful in that meteorite, Osborn. You should be thanking me.

Norman didn't respond and just continues to watch Octavius looking at whatever it is.
Norman: I expect updates, Octavius. I want a complete analysis by the end of tomorrow.

Doc Ock: Whatever you say, 'boss.'

He says in disgust that he told him what to do and what time. He heard Norman walk away, he places the container on his lab desk for testing.

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