Chapter 4

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Peter and MJ walks into the reception. A figure behind a podium speaks to reporters, photographers and the audience faces them.
Arthur: My father, the late great Adrian Tombs once said that knowledge means nothing if its no shared with our fellow man. With this research and development grant to Empire State University, we hope to pass on this knowledge not just to our children, but their children and so on. Of course getting us to this level will be no easy task. That's why I'm proud to work for the Great Norman Osborn. With our partnership we will not only heal the sick but eradicate this planet's worse diseases, all before the end of this century... Thank you.

Tbe audience applaud at this speech. Norman Osborn was joined by Arthur to shake hands, smiling for the cameras.
Peter was taking pictures in the crowd, he kept his guard up, possibly because Eddie is also taking pictures.

Moments later. Peter meets up with Harry to meet up with Gwen and Norman, who are talking to Mr. Tombs.
Norman: Peter! Let me introduce you to Arthur Tombs, he is our new to Oscorp. One of my sons intelligent friends.

Gwen: Number Two ain't bad, right Pete?

Gwen playfully taunts, Peter gives her a sarcastic grin.
MJ: You must be Gwen. Peter told be about you.

Gwen smiles slightly and looks at Peter.
Gwen: I didn't know you have a girlfriend Peter.

Peter: We... we're just friends. Going out..

Arthur: I heard much about you Peter. Too bad you can't join us in the labs this time around. I was hoping you would appy for the assistant ship.

Peter: I have to stick to my education track and paying the bills for now. I'm a photographer for the Daily Bugle.

Arthur: Really? I thought the camera is just a accessory.

The group chuckles.
Arthur: Gwen said but great things about you.

Arthur shakes Peter's hand, his spider sense goes off in a very low degree. Peter looks at Gwen with his eye brows raised.
Arthur: I would like to hear about your background, Ms. Stacy. We have to do dinner some time.

Gwen was pleasantly surprised and stumbles on her words a bit. MJ notices and smirks, she knows what going on.
Gwen: Oh...  absolutely Mr. Tombs.

Arthur: Call me, Arthur.~

Eddie: Excuse Me.

Eddie walks up to the group, much to Peter's discomfort.
Eddie: I'm the new photographer for the Daily Bugle.

Arthur: Of Course. Why don't you get a picture of the Knights of the round table here, before we're off to save the world.

Eddie: Thank you, Mr. Tombs. Jona would love to have a picture of you.

Peter: Eddie you don't have to-

Arthur: Why not, Peter. I'm sure this fine gentleman would have the honor.

Eddie side eyes Peter slightly and smirks coldly. They all pose, Arthur makes sure to wrapped his arm around Gwen.

A male figure walks into the halls of Oscorp, following a couple of security guards moving a cart. With the life form in the container.
?: Found it...

He follows the security to the main atrium, where the reception is.
Peter takes a break to talk to MJ, then he felt his sense  tensify. Then he saw it, in the distance there was a man wearing black carrying a crow bar, about to attack Harry.
He ran towards Harry and pushed the thug away from his friend.

Most people saw what happened and panic, which causes more panic for everyone. Then there was a man wearing a yellow and red suit, his mask covering his whole face.
Shocker: Everyone stay where you are and no one gets hurt.

He fires sonic blasts from his wrists, which seems to be from his suit.
Shocker: And all of you are in for a Shock!!

Spider-Man: I'm shocked that you have the balls to crash into a nice place like this.

Spider-Man says on one of the open floors above them.
Shocker: You stay out of this!

Spider-Man: Can't Do That!

He says as he launches himself at the Shocker, lands a kick in the face.
Spider-Man: How many times must you keep doing this Herman?

Shocker: Is The Shocker!!

Shocker fires at Spider-Man again but knocks over the podium, which hits the cart behind it, causing the container to roll off and break, letting the life form free.
Spider-Man did notice and swings the Shocker around the atrium and crashes him on floor.

The life form watches from the distance, mostly on Spider-Man. It has found someone... someone special. It sneakily moves closer to ths battle.
Shocker: Just Shut Up!!

Spider-Man: Why Not? I thought we get along just fine Herman!

Shocker: I said, Shut the Fuck Up!!

He says angrily, firing another blast at Spider-Man. He dodges the blast, unknowingly stepping on the lifeform.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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