Chapter 2

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Midtown University. Peter walks out of class with Harry by his side. He talks about the new employee.
Harry: Wow... sounds like the guy doesn't like you.

Peter: No... really.

Harry: Who cares what that muscle bound reporter thinks. He's just upset that he got fired.

Peter: I guess... but he seems upset about...

He trails off as he looks in his locker, he almost drops a small tablet made by Oscorp.
Harry: Is that the new Oscorp Research Tablet?

Peter: Maybe...😐

Harry: They're not on stock yet, how are you able..?

Harry puts the pieces together quickly, his father. Frustrated he gives it back to his friend.
Peter: Harry...

Harry: Forget it... I get you access into my Dad's reception.😮‍💨

Peter: You don't have to...

Harry: It's... fine.

Harry says grimly, he walks away. Peter just watches him leave.

That afternoon. Peter saw Aunt May in the living room, looking at a formal suit.
Aunt May: Peter. How's work?

Peter shrugs, he sits on one of the chairs in the dining room.
Peter: It's alright...

Aunt May: I heard from Harry about the reception, I found Ben's old suit.

She gives Peter a jacket that was part of the suit, he tries it on.
Aunt May: You look handsome Peter.

She hugs him then walks to the kitchen. She accidentally tumbles onto the floor, due to her age.
Peter: Aunt May.

Peter helps her up, sets her on the living room couch. She is out of breath but seems to be okay.
Aunt May: Thank You, Peter. I'm fine. I just got to excited that's all.

Peter: I wish you can move into the condo down town. I can keep an eye on you more often.

Aunt May: No, no. This old lady can't burden you more than she already has. You'll find out eventually, this all apart of the program. You get to be my age, you slow down. Can't go backwards now, can we?

They talk about a little bit about the reception coming soon. Peter even brings up about the new employee, and he feels unsure about him.
Then Aunt May brings up a possibility of joining a nursing home.
Peter: I'm not putting you in one of those places Aunt May. Just let me take care of you.

Aunt May: Peter you're a young man, living your own life. I'll slow you down.

Aunt May tells Peter to take advantage his time as a young man while he can... one day he'll wake up at fifty... wondering where the time went.
Aunt May: How about I set you up with Anna Watson's niece, MaryJane. She is a lovely girl, I would for you to meet her.

Peter: What is she like?

Aunt May: She has a wonderful personality.


Aunt May: How about tomorrow I'll...

Peter: I would love to but I'm busy tomorrow.

Octavius looks in horror to see that the rat he uses to test on the living organism is now a blood covered skeleton. It appears that the blob bonded with the rat only to eat its insides and outsides.
Normal: What's the analysis?

Doc Ock: You came earlier than expected.

Doc showed Normal his notes from the test, then shows him the dead rat in a glass box, the organism is still inside.
Doc Ock: It's a living organism. It seems like it bonds with its host for control.

Norman: What's it weaknesses.

Doc Ock: I did some experiments, it will no longer be harmed by fire, but it had strong reaction to loud noise and lightning.

He shows video of the test, showing it screeching and shivering in pain from the loud noise.
Norman: Intriguing...

Doc Ock: Indeed... I have never seen anything like this before. Have we discovered something not from this earth?

He asks himself as one of his robotic arms turn off the flat screen by holding the remote.
Norman: We need something better...

He then paused and a light bulb goes off in his head.
Norman: Someone better...

Doc Ock: Are you seriously starting human trails?!

Norman: This is gold, Octavius!! I finally have something for Oscorps name!

Doc Ock: Norman this THING will kill someone!

Norman: Are you turning soft on me?! This will be a perfect weapon, it just needs some... adjustment.

Doc Ock: I can't let you take that risk!

Norman: Well I own Oscorp, not you.

Norman points out and leaves. Octavius just glares at him from behind. He takes out his phone to call one of his allies from the Sinister Six.
Doc Ock: Yeah... I need your help.

He replies to the man from the other side of the phone.

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