Muse Chance(Namjoon)

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Namjoon lets out a sigh as he pushes back from his desk, running a hand through his messy hair, dropping his head back against the back of his chair, staring at the ceiling

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Namjoon lets out a sigh as he pushes back from his desk, running a hand through his messy hair, dropping his head back against the back of his chair, staring at the ceiling. Contemplating what to do next, he needs to get this song done but nothing is coming to him. He keeps staring at the blank screen and nothing is coming.

"Maybe I should take a break. Get some fresh air. Yoongi is going to want to hear something by tomorrow. Fuck." He grumbles to himself.

With a huff he stands up from his chair and stretches with a groan, then heads for the door to his studio. Do I go for a walk, or do I ride my bike?

Peaking his head out in the hallway hoping he doesn't run into one of the guys since he's supposed to be working on the new song. Seeing that the coast is clear, he slips out of the room, hurrying down the corridor towards the elevators. Someone walks around the corner just as he reaches it, and they smack into each other.

"What are you in a hurry for Namjoon?"

"Oh, uh, just going out for a bit." He answers Yoongi nervously.

"Is the song almost done? We need to start figuring out the vocal arrangements."

"I know. It's almost done I promise."

He nods his head, "Okay. I'll see you later."

Watching as the grumpy cat walks into his own studio and closes the door. Letting a sigh fall from his mouth once he hears the door shut. I have to get a handle on this. I can't believe I have struggled this bad for this one song. I have written a lot of songs. He sighs and heads for the elevator.

"Hey Namjoon, where are you going?" JK calls out.

"Just getting some fresh air, I'll be back." He calls out as the doors shut.

The doors open and he ventures through the lobby and out the front doors, taking a deep breath of the cool spring breeze. Deciding that a walk back to the dorm to get his bike would be a good way for him to clear his mind. Letting his mind wonder as he walks towards the dorm coming across a park and pausing at the entrance.

"Maybe a little detour would be good."

Taking a sharp right to enter the park. As he makes his way through the park he watches kids play and kites flying through the air. A group of high school girls giggling on a bench that keep glancing at a group of high school boys skate boarding. Couples walking hand in hand while walking their dogs and an old man pushing his wife in a wheel chair nodding his head with a smile as she talks.

I want that someday.

Eventually reaching the dorm, deciding to grab a backpack, notebook, and pen, just in case he gets inspired for the song or any song for that matter. Grabbing his bike, he sets out to find a nice nature trail to ride along, hoping this clears his mind.

Riding leisurely through the nature trail near another park but far enough away to not hear the hustle and bustle from the activities in the park. After a little while, deciding to take a break and rest against a rock to catch his breathe and take a drink from his water bottle.

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