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Taraji Henson

The rich aroma of breakfast grabbed me out of my sleep.

The sleep was much needed. I don't remember sleeping like that since before I left for LA. I'd slept so good that my blue silk sheets had left an imprint on my face.

These past three years of college were not at all what I expected them to be. People only ever show the good side of school. The parties and graduation and the accolades is what they portray as the 'perfect college life'. What you don't see is the stress, anxiety, and depression that comes with that life.

There were days when I didn't even sleep, because I was trying to study and make sure all mama's hard earned money didn't go to waste. If it wasn't for that, I would've definitely dropped out by now.

And my major doesn't make things any better. Who in their right mind, told me that majoring in nursing would be the way to go? Not only do I want to be a nurse, I want to be a Labor & Delivery nurse.

So now I'm taking 3 hour long exams all because I felt like seeing a baby pop out of their mama's coochie was the way I wanted to spend the rest of my career.

I stretched my legs, trying to wake up fully. You would think I was 51 instead of 21 the way my bones were cracking.

I stood from my bed, and made my way to the bathroom to get my day started.

I undressed, taking last nights clothes off. I stood bare and I looked at my self through the somewhat smudged mirror. Trailing my eyes upward, I looked at the dark brown, curly locs on my head.

I tried to run my fingers through the untamed mess but to no avail, I couldn't. My hair definitely needed to be washed.

I reached under the sink, knowing that there would be hair products there. I grabbed my cleansing shampoo and my moisturizing conditioner and walked towards the shower.

Opening the glass shower door, I turned the metal handle to the left to make the hot water stream out on top of my body. I put the hair products on bench at the end of the shower. I stepped in, placing my feet on the marble floor and let the warmth of the water take over my body.

I pointed my head under the flow of water and let the water run down my face.

After a while, I grabbed the shampoo bottle from off of the bench.

Opening it, I put a handful of it in my hand and lathered up my hair.

Everything showers are so relaxing. I rarely got to take them at school because I was always so busy.

Whether it was because I had a long day or because I was just too busy.

But now that i'm back home, I can take them at least once a week.

After washing my hair, I grabbed my loofah to wash my body.

When I was done scrubbing the pigment off of me, I felt like it was time to rinse my body and get out.

When I stepped out of the shower, I grabbed my towel and I dried my body.
I wrapped the towel around my slim frame and walked up to the vanity to start my skin care routine.

After I was done with everything in the bathroom, I made my way to my room to pick out my outfit for the day.

I ended up choosing and long bright green maxi skirt and a brown crop top. I finished the look off with a brown head scarf around my head.

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